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江北宁溪水利枢纽工程设计【毕业设计(论文)】-好 前言 本次毕业设计根据根据教学要求对水利水电专业本科毕业生进行的最后一项教学环节本毕业设计内容为江北宁溪水利枢纽工程它基本包括了一般水利枢纽所需进行的水工初步设计的全过程 其基本内容包括枢纽总述坝型选择及枢纽布置主要建筑物设计细部构造及地基处理等根据设计总要求设计内容偏重于坝型选择与主要建筑物的设计而对建筑物中电站厂房坝段的设计及施工导流设计两部分设计进行比较简单其中很多内容设计者采用了各种图表力求做到设计清晰明了 本次设计时设计者经过三个多月的辛劳而完成的在此过程中得到了水工教研室何金平老师的悉心指导同时也得到了水工教研室以及其他教研室各位老师的关心和帮助在此对它们表示衷心的感谢 由于时间限制和设计者缺乏实际的工作经验设计的缺点及错误在所难免敬请读者予以指正 内容摘要 本设计分为设计说明书和计算说明书两部分 设计说明书共有十章分别是枢纽概况设计资料枢纽布置主要建筑物的设计细部构造及地基处理副坝设计等 本枢纽主要任务是防洪发电其正常高水位为345米发电死水位333米装机容量27万千万经过调洪演算得到其设计洪水位34672米校核洪水位34988米本枢纽主要建筑物由挡水建筑物泄水建筑物发电建筑物放空建筑物组成主要建筑物为二级次要建筑物为三级坝型选用混凝土实体重力坝厂房坝段包括三个机组段和一个安装场段厂房采用坝内埋管式施工导流选用两期两段的导流方法一期由束窄河床泄流二期由导流底孔泄流 其他具体设计详见设计说明书另外除了设计说明书和计算说明书外还有反映本次设计成果的五张图纸 关键词重力坝 溢流坝段 地基处理 方案选择 初步设计 枢纽布置 Abstract The design work is for the Ningxi water project which has been carefully introduced The work is divided into two parts the designing and the calculating The work of designing includes ten chapters altogether They are the general introduction of the project the basic material layout of the project desgning of the major constructure and etc Generating electricity and flood control is the main task of the pivot Normal high water level is345extreme water level of generating electricity is333installed capacity 27000kwThrough adjust big to perform and can be regarded as design flood its location 34672 meters check the flood 34988 metres of location This pivot main building blockd water buildingsluice building generate electricity building set the empty building free make upThe main building is two grade and the secondary building is tertuart The dam type is gravity dam entity of concrete Factory building dam section includes three aircrew section and one install field section and the factory building adopts the type in the dam Water diversion selects two section of water conserewancy diwersion methods for sue lets out and flows from one bunchof narrow riverbeds while being the first stage of let out and shed by water conservan


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