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Unit 1 1.???? The littl?e boy was _____?_____?__ when buyin?g the watch? from a stran?ger in town. A. taken? on B. taken? in C. taken? down D. taken? for √[1]. 【参考答案】:B 【学生得分】:2.0 2. Scarc?ely had he cross?ed the finis?hing line _____?___ he sat down to rest. A. when B. than C. then D. until? ×[2]. 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:0.0 3. Not every?body could? be expec?ted to know all the answe?rs, _____?___ some quest?ions calle?d for educa?ted guess?es rathe?r than gener?al knowl?edge. A. as B. so C. such D. once √[3]. 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0 4. There? is littl?e chanc?e that manki?nd would? _____?_____? a nucle?ar war. A. retai?n B. endur?e C. maint?ain D. survi?ve ×[4]. 【参考答案】:D 【学生得分】:0.0 5. The Frenc?h piani?st who had been prais?ed very highl?y _____?_____? to be a great? disap?point?ment. A. turne?d aroun?d B. turne?d in C. turne?d out D. turne?d down √[5]. 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:2.0 6. Maggi?e ran back to the kitch?en, eggs _____?_____? caref?ully in her hands?. A. held B. to be held C. were held D. holdi?ng ×[6]. 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:0.0 7. The _____?___ of human? knowl?edge are const?antly? being? exten?ded. A. bound?s B. bound?aries? C. botto?ms D. branc?hes √[7]. 【参考答案】:B 【学生得分】:2.0 8. Today? we are going? to _____?____ on the quest?ion of homel?ess peopl?e. A. look B. focus? C. turn D. take √[8]. 【参考答案】:B 【学生得分】:2.0 9. I had a sudde?n urge _____?____ the boss what I thoug?ht of him. A. telli?ng B. being? telli?ng C. to tell D. to have told √[9]. 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:2.0 10. It was very _____?___ of you to bring? the umbre?lla. A. sensi?tive B. sensi?tivit?y C. sensi?ble D. sensi?bilit?y情感、敏感性 √[10]. 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:2.0 11. The phone? was _____?_____?__ aroun?d ten, but it was almos?t four befor?e the man from the compa?ny came to repai?r the line. A. out of place? B. out of hand C. out


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