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《解放了普罗米修斯》    【导读】 波西?比希?雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)是19世纪英国浪漫主义文学运动的一员骁将。他喜怒无常、狂放不羁,曾多次撰文抨击当局的各种压迫,有“疯子雪莱”的绰号。中国普通读者知道雪莱大抵是通过他的诗作《西风颂》中的名句:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”其实,雪莱主要的文学成就还在他的长诗和诗剧上,《解放了的普罗米修斯》就是雪莱最为有名的诗剧。在该剧中,普罗米修斯为人类盗火而遭主神宙斯惩罚,被缚高加索山,历尽折磨而坚忍不拔,他的情人阿西亚为了救他四处奔波。后来在冥王的帮助下,宙斯被打败,普罗米修斯获救并和情人团聚,整个世界也充满了爱和自由。该剧通过普罗米修斯对宙斯的反抗表达了雪莱对暴政的痛恨、对自由的向往和对人类美好未来的憧憬。       We probably know the story of Prometheus(普罗米修斯) who steals fire for mankind. In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a god with great strength and a friend of human beings. To improve the lives of humans, he stole fire from Zeus (宙斯) and gave it to mankind. Zeus then punished him by binding him to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. As time passes , Prometheus has become a figure of hope and inspiration for literary works.    In 5th century BC, a great Greek playwright (剧作家) called Aeschylus(埃斯库罗斯)turned his attention to the story of Prometheus and came up with a great tragedy Prometheus Bound(《被缚的普罗米修斯》). At the beginning of the play, Prometheus is brought to a mountain. According to Aeschylus, Prometheus is being punished not only for stealing fire, but also for ruining Zeus’s plan to destroy the human race. Another god called Oceanus sympathizes with Prometheus and urges him to make peace with Zeus but he refuses. Instead, he reveals stealing fire is just one thing that he has done for mankind. As a matter of fact, he has taught men quite a few other things such as writing, medicine and agriculture. At the end of the play, Zeus strikes Prometheus with a thunder and sends him into unlimited darkness.    Over two thousand years later, Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound and the story of Prometheus inspired Shelley a leading English Romantic poet who rewrote the story and gave birth to a poetic drama Prometheus Unbound (《解放了的普罗米修斯》). Though Shelley bases his work on the original story, he altered some parts of it. In Shelley’s play, Prometheus is supported by


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