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中文题目:九道岭矿下水平通风系统改造及防灭火设计 外文题目:Modification of ventilation system and fire preventiondesign of the lower level of Jiu Dao Ling mine 辽宁工程技术大学 本科毕业设计(论文)学生诚信承诺保证书 本人郑重承诺:《九道岭矿下水平通风系统改造及防灭火设计》毕业设计(论文)的内容真实、可靠,系本人在指导教师的指导下,独立完成。如果存在弄虚作假、抄袭的情况,本人承担全部责任。 学生签名: 年 月 日 辽宁工程技术大学 本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师诚信承诺保证书 本人郑重承诺:我已按学校相关规定对同学的毕业设计(论文)的选题与内容进行了指导和审核,确认由该生独立完成。如果存在弄虚作假、抄袭的情况,本人承担指导教师相关责任。 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 摘要 九道岭矿井2010年技改以后生产能力由0.75 Mt/a提升为1.2 Mt/a,生产能力发生提升的同时,也带来了很多问题,特别是矿井的通风系统,由于生产到了下水平,通风路线加长至12000 m,通风阻力增大,矿井上的通风机很难达到要求;另外通风阻力增大,使矿井本来就有的火灾危害更加严重。 本设计主要针对这两个问题进行了分析研究。通过查阅相关规程、书籍,综合运用所学的专业知识,首先对九道岭煤矿下水平进行了矿井储量计算、巷道布置,然后确定了比较合理的矿井通风系统,选择了通风机等设备,经过风量计算与分配,通风阻力计算,通风系统图、网络图的绘制,完成了矿井通风系统改扩建设计,设计出了符合生产要求的矿井通风系统;针对九道岭煤矿的火灾危害,以与其相关的资料为依据,经过调查研究,对下水平进行了粉煤灰灌浆系统设计和三相泡沫防灭火安全专题设计,设计出了符合实际的防灭火系统。 关键词:矿井通风、防灭火 Abstract After the technological transformation in 2010,JiuDaoling mine production capacity from 0.75 Mt/a upgrade to 1.2 Mt/a. He happened to enhance production capacity, and also brings a lot of problems, especially the mine ventilation system. When it turns to the next level of production, ventilation routes increased to 12000 m. This allows the fan ventilation resistance increases to not meet the requirements. In addition, the mine ventilation resistance increases more serious fire hazard. The design for these two problems are analyzed and studied. Through access to relevant regulations, books, the first of nine levels were under Pandaoling mine coal reserves calculation, roadway layout. Then, determine a reasonable mine ventilation systems and fans. After air volume calculation and distribution, ventilation resistance calculation, ventilation system diagram, network mapping, completed the renovation and expansion of the mine ventilation system design. The mine ventilation system has been designed to meet the production requirements. Jiu Daoling mine fire hazards, through research, to the next level of fly ash grouting system design and three-phase bubble Fire Prevention an


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