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* Thank you Dr. Xie (Daugherty, Moltelino). Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I do appreciate your giving me an opportunity to give a talk here in UK cardiology where I used to spend a year back in early 1990s. * * Thank you Dr. Xie (Daugherty, Moltelino). Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I do appreciate your giving me an opportunity to give a talk here in UK cardiology where I used to spend a year back in early 1990s. * Thank you Dr. Xie (Daugherty, Moltelino). Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I do appreciate your giving me an opportunity to give a talk here in UK cardiology where I used to spend a year back in early 1990s. * * Severe stenotic lesion in the proximal right coronary artery. After removing thrombus, stent can preserve coronary lumen probably as same as it was. * Severe stenotic lesion in the proximal right coronary artery. After removing thrombus, stent can preserve coronary lumen probably as same as it was. * Severe stenotic lesion in the proximal right coronary artery. After removing thrombus, stent can preserve coronary lumen probably as same as it was. * Severe stenotic lesion in the proximal right coronary artery. After removing thrombus, stent can preserve coronary lumen probably as same as it was. * Severe stenotic lesion in the proximal right coronary artery. After removing thrombus, stent can preserve coronary lumen probably as same as it was. * LDL-Cの到達値とプラーク体積の変化率との関係を示します。 ピンクの線は海外の安定期症例での試験 ASTEROID,REVERSAL,A-PLUS( Placebo)での相関直線です。 また,黄色の線は日本人急性冠症候群(ACS)患者での試験 ESTABLISH,JAPAN-ACSでの相関直線です。 このグラフにCOSMOS試験の結果をプロットするとこのようになります. COSMOSは日本人での安定期の冠動脈疾患患者を対象とし、既治療患者さんもロスバスタチンへの切り替えした試験で、LDL-C値を平均で82.6㎎/dL まで下げ、HDL-C値を20%近く増加させ、プラーク体積を5%退縮することができました。 * 血管内超音波法を用いて,日本人を対象にロスバスタチンの冠動脈アテロームに対する有効性を評価する試験 * 試験デザインは 1)年齢:20~75歳 2)CAGまたはPCI治療の必要なCHD患者 3)高コレステロール血症患者 未治療患者: LDL-C ≥140mg/dL または  TC≥220mg/dL 既治療患者: LDL-C ≥100mg/dL または  TC≥180mg/dL 4) PCI の対象となるAHA分類で ≥75%の狭窄および ≤50% の評価部位 ロスバスタチン2.5mg/日 から投与を開始し,LDL-C値80


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