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Antiinfective Agents课件
Antiinfective Agents By Jim Clarke Aerosolized Anti-infectives 2 occasionally used agents Pentamidine (NebuPent) Ribavirin (Virazole) Indications for Pentamidine History of one or more episodes of PCP A low CD4 lymphocyte count Rationale for Administration Aerosol administration delivers drug to area of lung most likely to be affected Parenteral administration has numerous side effects Aerosol administration produces higher blood levels than parenteral Side Effects of Aerosol Pentam Cough bronchial irritation SOB Bitter taste (burning in mouth) Bronchospasm wheezing Conjunctivitis Dosing Issues Use nebulizer designed for Pentam use Should produce particles in 1-2 micron range Should have one-way valves directing exhalation through filter Give tx in negative pressure booth or room Dosing Issues Pregnant or nursing mothers should avoid contact Use gloves, mask eyewear Ribavirin Classification Anti-viral agent that works against RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), influenza herpes simplex Indications Given via inhalation to children suffering from RSV Only given if patient has severe bronchiolitis with moderate to severe hypoxemia Side Effects Pulmonary Deterioration of pulmonary function; pneumothrax; bacterial infection Cardiovascular Hypotension; cardiac arrest Topical Rash; eyelid erythema conjunctivitis Dosing Issues Virazole must be given with SPAG nebulizer Generally given via head-hood Can be given via ventilator Aerosolized Antibiotic Use In Cystic Fibrosis Has become a popular method for prevention of pneumonia Prevents outbreaks of Pseudomnas aeruginosa, Hemophilus influenzae Staphylococcus aureus Gentamicin Non-Aerosolized Antibiotics Definitions Antibiotic is a substance produced by microorganisms that is capable of inhibiting or killing bacteria and other microorganisms “Mode of Action” - how the antibiotic actually kills the targeted microorganisms Antibiotic Terms Bacteriostatic- a drug that inhibits the growth of a microorganism Bactericidal
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