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The Study of Southern Song Dynasty Operating the Central Plains A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School of Henan University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of History By Xu Chengyan Supervisor: Prof.Cheng Minsheng Prof.Jia Yuying Prof.Ma Yuchen Date May,2013 I 摘 要 南宋政权在建立之初,为生存而战,对金军的入侵予以反击。虽然在中原地区的抗 金斗争得到广大爱国军民的积极支持和响应,但因南宋国力衰弱,措置失当,无以在中 原立足,只能退居东南一隅,与金朝对峙。经过不断的较量,宋金实力趋于均势,双方 签订和议结束战争,南宋得以修养生息,积蓄国力。作为北宋政权的延续,南宋与金朝 有着不共戴天之仇,由于中原地区在南宋君臣心目中具有十分重要的地位,恢复中原, 实现赵宋王室的中兴,是南宋朝野的共同愿望。南宋虽局蹙于东南一隅,历代君臣致力 于整顿内政,发展社会经济,编练军队,提高军队素质,积蓄国力,始终不忘恢复中原。 同时南宋君臣时刻关注着金朝局势的发展变化,在金朝内外交困之时,适时调整国家战 略,顺势而动,对金朝的侵略不仅予以坚决反击,还积极争取金朝国内的抗金义军和北 方新兴的蒙古势力,联合各种力量打击金朝。这两种力量在南宋恢复中原的战略中发挥 了各自的作用,抗金义军成为南宋牵制金朝军事进攻的重要力量,金朝则在宋蒙联合进 攻下灭亡。在经历了亡国之痛、流寓到南方的北方移民试图在其寓居地重新构建故土形 象,在南宋移民中形成了浓厚的中原情结,这种情结既是南宋人爱国热情的真实写照, 也反应出南宋人对国力不济,无法收复中原的无奈之情。 关键词:南宋,中原,国力, 移民 I ABSTRACT Southern Song regime in the beginning of the establishment, in order to survive the war, to fight back the invasion of the Golden Army. Although the anti-gold in the Central Plains region struggle to get the active support and response of the majority of patriotic soldiers and civilians, but the Southern Song Dynasty national strength, weakness, renew misconduct, no only relegated to the southeast corner to gain a foothold in the Central Plains, the confrontation with the Jin. After continuous contest, Song strength tends to be the balance of power, signed by both parties and the close of the war, the Southern Song Dynasty to the cult


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