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摘 要 摘 要 踏入近代门槛的晚清书院教育,不仅内部弊端多,还必须承受战火带来的劫难,致 使教学空疏、经费短缺、校舍倾颓。这种窘境到同治(1861-1875)年间得到了极大的 缓解,出现了复兴的景象。 就在镇压农民起义的硝烟中,曾国藩、左宗棠等地方大吏开始在东南与西北等地重 建和修复多所省级书院,与此同时张之洞、许振祎等学政也各在西南、西北等地新建了 省级书院,这些都产生了很大反响。众多的道、府、县官员则在全国各地兴起了修复、 新建书院的新高潮。而近代河北的非省级书院,也在当时兴办书院的大背景下,在全省 范围内蓬勃发展起来。 值得注意的是,这些新建或修复的书院,既有省城的中心书院,也有众多的基层书 院;既有大吏的参与,更有众多的基层官员的热诚地投入。当然,在此过程中,督抚、 学政、其他官员也不无合作,复兴书院教育的热诚十分常见,筹建中的四川成都尊经书 院就是其中的例子。 历经劫难的晚清书院教育,在这 15 年中得到较好的恢复和一定的发展,扭转了此 前的发展窘境,为光绪年间书院的发展高潮做了较好的铺垫,是早期同光中兴的重要组 成部分。 关键词 同治年间;书院教育;重建;新建;河北书院;复兴 . I Abstract Abstract The college education in the late Qing dynasty, not only there are many internal problems, but also we must bear dangers from the war. For example, teaching oversight, funding shortage and leaned heavily of school. The predicament had been relieved and appeared renascent atmosphere in T’ung-chih years (1861-1875). In the process of suppressing the peasant uprisings, a lot of provincial college educations had been recovered and newly developed by Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang and so on in the southeast and the northwest. At the same time, many provincial colleges are newly constructed by Zhang Zhidong, Xu Zhenhui and so forth in the southwest and in northwest. A new upsurge in college construction is in the making throughout the country by public officials at all levels. And the college in Hebei was founded with the background of rebuilding and setting up colleges. It is important to note that there were not only provincial colleges but matricial colleges. High-ranking officials and matricial officials pa


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