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中医内科护理 主讲: 高健 Goals of Studying 掌握各个病证的病情分析及护理。 掌握相关专业词汇。 熟悉各个病证的定义。 了解各个病证的健康指导。 能够灵活运用理论知识对个案进行有针对性的护理。 感冒 Common cold Common cold Definition Common cold 是感受触冒外邪所导致的常见外感疾病,临床表现以鼻塞,流涕,喷嚏,头痛,恶寒、发热、全身不适等为特征。四季均可发病,尤以冬春季节为多。 Common cold 感冒一名,北宋《仁斋直指方》即有记载。而《内经》已指出感冒主要是外感风邪所致。元《丹溪心法·伤风》明确指出病位属肺,根据辨证,分列辛温、辛凉两大治法。此后医家又对虚人感冒有进一步的认识,提出扶正达邪的治疗要求。 Common cold Cause of Disease and Pathomechanism 六淫( six exogenous pathogenic factors ) 时行病毒( seasonal virus ) 人体正气( health qi )不足 其病机关键在于邪实正虚(excess of evil and asthenia of health qi ) 。 Common cold Analyses of pathological conditions 风寒感冒(common cold due to wind-cold) 风热感冒(common cold due to wind-heat) 暑湿感冒(common cold due to summer-dampness) 体虚感冒 Common cold Analyses of pathological conditions Common cold due to wind-cold 恶寒重,发热轻,无汗头痛,肢体痰楚,鼻塞声重,时流清涕,咽痒咳嗽,痰稀薄色白,口不渴或喜热饮,苔薄白而润,脉浮或浮紧。 Common cold Analyses of pathological conditions Common cold due to wind-heat 身热较著,微恶风,汗泄不畅,头胀痛,鼻塞,流黄浊涕,口渴欲饮,咽喉红肿疼痛,咳嗽,痰黄粘稠,苔薄黄,脉浮数。 Common cold Analyses of pathological conditions Common cold due to summer-dampness 身热,微恶风,汗少,肢体酸重或疼痛,头昏重胀痛,咳嗽痰粘,鼻流浊涕,心烦口渴,或口中粘腻,渴不多饮,胸闷,泛恶,小便短赤,舌苔薄黄而腻,脉濡数。 Common cold Analyses of pathological conditions Common cold due to asthenia of qi 经常感冒,反复不愈,恶寒重,发热,咳嗽,咳痰无力,气短,倦怠,舌淡苔白,脉浮无力。 Common cold due to asthenia of yin 头痛身热,微恶风寒,少汗,头昏,心烦,口干,于咳少痰,舌红少苔,脉细数。 Common cold Problems of patients Nursing goals Common cold Nursing interventions Common cold due to wind-cold Principle of nursing :辛温解表 Entirety nursing: Common cold Nursing interventions Common cold due to wind-heat Principle of nursing :辛凉解表 Entirety nursing : Common cold Nursing interventions Common cold due to summer-dampness Principle of nursing :驱湿解表 Entirety nursing : Common cold Nursing interventions Common cold due to asthenia of qi Principle of nursing :益气解表 Entirety nursing : Common cold Nursing interventions Common cold due to asthenia of yin Principle of nursing :滋阴


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