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Unit4 Translation: 1. With promotion,___________________________ ____________(她对公司的未来承担了更大的责任). 2. (由于怕万一老板给他们穿小鞋甚至整他们)_______________________________ some people never express different views on the firm’s business. 3. A lot of college students take part-time jobs _____________(支付学习和日常生活的费用). 4. (如果对法律一窍不通,)_________________, it is difficult to protect your lawful rights in a society with an adequate legal system. 5. The essence of Chinese tax policy lies in the fact that (取之于民,用之于民)_________________________. Translation: 6. Those are bound to suffer severe punishment(那些蓄意哄抬物价,大发国难之财的不法之徒)_______________________________. 7. (中国经济的年增长率约为8%)_______________, a figure which makes many developed countries sit up and take notice. 8. The secretary will get a pay raise, ___________ (只要她做好日常工作). 9. 我们之间必须达成一个协议_________________. 10. I always (不喜欢早起锻炼)_________________. Reference Key to translation: 1. she has taken on greater responsibilities for the company’s future. 2. In the event of the boss putting them to trouble or even punishing them 3. to cover the expense of their study and daily life. 4. With little command of the law. 5. the taxes are taken from the people and in turn used for the good of the people. 6. who push up the prices purposely to reap a lot from the national crisis. 7. The annual growth rate of China’s economy is estimated at about 8%. 8. as long as she does her routine job. 9. We must work out an agreement between us. 10. feel sick about getting up early for exercise. Unit4


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