2012年高考英语第一轮复习 第一部分课文 Module 5 Unit 5 First aid课件.ppt

2012年高考英语第一轮复习 第一部分课文 Module 5 Unit 5 First aid课件.ppt

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If someone is bitten by an animal, you had better wash his/her wound under cold running water and go to see a doctor as soon as possible. For the slight knife wound, you only need to wash and clean it, and then you can cover it with a piece of clean cloth. Hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Mary Section Ⅳ. 词汇拓展 the condition of an injury伤势 cardiopathy 心脏病 stupefaction 昏迷 rescue breathing 人工呼吸 ambulance corps 急救队 rescue the hostages 拯救人质 life jacket = life vest 救生衣 shock therapy 休克疗法 shock state 休克状态 operating room 手术室 minor operation room 门诊手术室 emergency treatment 急诊 emergency case 急诊病例 rescue outfit 抢救装备 urgi-center 抢救中心 injection,to inject 注射 sanguinary incident流血事件 try to be the first抢第一时间 latest tendency最新动态 falling sickness癫痫发作 fatigue damage疲劳损伤 all rescue measures proved ineffectual抢救无效 heal the wounded and rescue the dying 救死扶伤 The END 6. He had the misfortune to _________ on the day of the examination. 7. The lemon look s dry, but you may be able to ____________ a few drops. 8. I’m afraid I can’t __________________ the books you want. 9. This is what she has been saying ___________. fall ill squeeze out put my hands on over and over again 三、完形填空 词数: 317 建议用时:15 分钟 难度:★★★ 秘 诀 探 寻 : 名 词 的 同 现 技 巧 点 拨 指意义上相互联系的单词同时出现在同一语篇或同一个话题中(称篇章中的词汇链)。 1.名词同现。如:school--primary school--middle school –college -university; students--pupils--graduates—postgraduates。 2.动词同现。如:school--teach--learn--attend--drop out--graduate--be dismissed。 3.形容词同现。如:在学校这个语境中:(key)school-- (optional)course --(required)course。 4.结构同现:结构同现搭配之类的句型和成对出现的短语。如:some...,others;on one hand...,on the other hand;former...,latter;so...that;not only...but



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