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摘 要 本文着重阐述了凉风电脑销售公司网站的整体开发过程。介绍了系统的开发环境以及开发工具,对于设计思想和设计流程也做出了全面的叙述,在数据库创建思想以及各个数据表之间的具体关联等方面也做出了详细说明,并且具体剖析了系统各个功能的实现过程以及详细设计过程,在绘制简单系统功能模块图的同时,力求更加清晰地表明设计思想以及对整个程序设计的规划及具体实现。 根据实际需求,本网站的设计采用模块化的设计思想,在Windows2000操作系统环境下,搭建ASP运行环境IIS5.0,通过使用VBScript脚本语言完成动态的、交互的web服务器应用程序,实现本系统的主要功能,包括用户在前台对商品的浏览、查询以及下订单等功能,管理员在后台进行的商品管理、企业信息管理、类别管理、订单管理和留言管理等功能。 本系统最具特色的部分:首先,实现了客户向企业下订单的功能,实现了用户与管理员之间的信息交互,其次,管理员后台功能细致入微,特别是对商品的类别管理的实现,使得本系统更加具有商业价值,适应电子商务类系统的开发需求。 关键词:电脑销售;;网站设计;推广 Abstract This paper focuses on the companys Web site computer sales cool the overall development process. The system development environment as well as development tools for the design and the design process has also made a comprehensive narrative, in the database to create data tables, as well as thinking of the specific links between such areas has also made detailed description and analysis of the specific various functional systems, as well as the realization process of detailed design process, drawing a simple map of the system functional modules at the same time, to more clearly that the design of the whole process, as well as the planning and design of concrete realization. According to actual demand, the web site design is modular in design thinking, Windows2000 OS environment, the structures IIS5.0 ASP operational environment through the use of VBScript script language complete dynamic, interactive web server applications and realize the system The main functions, including user of the goods in the foreground here, enquiries and orders, and other functions, administrators in the background of the commodity management, enterprise information management, category management, order management and message management capabilities. The system most unique parts: First of all, to the enterprise customer orders under the function, implementation and the users of information between the administrator interactive, and secondly, administrator background function nuanced, especially for the type of merchan



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