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摘 要 环境新闻始于美国19世纪的资源保护运动(The Conservation Movement 1850-1920),20世纪60年代走向成熟,到70年代,随着各国环境组织的建立,北美、西欧、日本、澳大利亚的环境新闻报道此起彼伏、蔚为大观。20世纪中后期,随着人类环境的不断恶化,环境问题渐成显学,随着媒体上环境报道数量的急遽上升,环境新闻日趋成熟。1985年,《中国环境报》的成立标志着中国环境报道迈出了重大一步,1986年中国环境新闻记者协会成立,1993年,中国加入了国际环境新闻记者协会,至21世纪初,中国的环境新闻已融入了世界潮流。环境新闻在欧美学术领域尚未能够给出一个较为合理并达成一致的阐释。业界关于环境新闻的定义坚持了环境报道必须通过大众传媒这样一个共识,学界则强调环境写作在环境新闻中的核心地位,欧洲的风险社会理论及其健康传播、科学传播理论显示出环境新闻直接为构建环境、人与社会和谐发展为目标。新媒体的发展是迎合人们休闲娱乐时间碎片化的需求。由于工作与生活节奏的加快,人们的休闲时间呈现出碎片化倾向,新媒体正是迎合了这种需求而生的。它满足随时随地地互动性表达、娱乐与信息需要。 关键词:环境新闻;新媒体;康菲石油 Abstract The Environmental News was started in 19th century for the Conservation Movement of the USA (1850-1920), has been established in 1960s. In 1970s, with the establishment of the environmental organizations in various countries, the environmental news presented a splendid sight in North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia for its breaking spread. In the middle ages of 20th century, the environmental problem became the influential subject for the deterioration of human environment. The environmental news became established in the breaking increasing of the report news in Medias. In 1985, the establishment of China Environment News signed the big step of Chinese environmental report.In 1986, the Chinese environmental journalists association stab li shed. In 1993, China became a partner of International Environmental he Chinese environmental news has become a part of the world environmental news in the early of the 21th century. The explanation of the definition of environmental news hasn’t been logical and agreeable in Euramerican academy society. The industry insisted on the point that the environmental news must be spread by mass media, while the academy society insisted on the core of the environmental news is writing. The target of environmental news is the establishment of the Harmonious Development of environment, human and society, based on the theory of Europe risk management, especially the theory of the healthy spread and scientific



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