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摘 要 本系统主要分为三个模块:用户模块、系统首页、管理员模块,用户模块涉及到登录、注册、忘记密码以及查看个人信息。系统首页涉及到团体游、个人游、景点推荐、住宿、美食、旅记。管理员模块涉及到用户管理、景点管理、住宿和美食管理、管理员管理。本人承担了数据库的设计及核心业务逻辑的编写,负责为系统的WEB端以及IOS端提供数据支持。 大学生自助游系统的后台服务采用,使用语言进行开发,本文论述了需求分析、总体设计、模块设计、详细设计等个附有主要的源程序代码 关键词: Abstract The system is divided into three modules: user module, system home page, administrator module, user module related to login, register, forget the password and view personal information. System home page related to group travel, personal travel, attractions recommended, accommodation, food, travel. The administrator module involves user management, scenic spots management, accommodation and food management, and administrator management. I assume the design of the database and the core business logic of the preparation, responsible for the system WEB side and IOS side to provide data support. The background service of the student self-help system uses the SSM framework, the use of Java programming language development, based on Mysql database, with Maven management tools for jar package unified management, and the use of Ajax front and back of the data exchange, after this system Modify and optimize, and ultimately achieve a set of focus on the user experience, simple interface, simple operation process convenient travel applications. This paper discusses the design and implementation process of the background service of college students self - help travel system. From the perspective of software engineering, this paper expounds the needs analysis, general design, module design, detailed design and so on. Uses the use case diagram, business flow chart, timing diagram Improve the readability of the paper, and finally with the main source code. Keywords : College student self-help tour; background services; SSM; Java; Maven 目录 第1章 项目简介 1 1.1 项目背景 1 第2章 需求分析 3 2.1 项目描述 3 2.2 系统功能 3 2.3 参与者列表 10 2.4 系统开发与运行环境 10 2.4.1 开发环境 10 2.4.2 运行环境 10 2.5 用例规约 11 2.5.1 用户模块 11 2.5.2 系统首页模块 15 2.5.3 管理员模块 23 第章 31 3.1 静态模型 31 3.1.



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