Grade R Parliamentary Monitorig Group Parliament of South 级的R 议会监测组议会南.pptVIP

Grade R Parliamentary Monitorig Group Parliament of South 级的R 议会监测组议会南.ppt

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Grade R Parliamentary Monitorig Group Parliament of South 级的R 议会监测组议会南

Major challenges Lack of accurate and verifiable data on ECD sites across the country. This limits Department of Basic Education’s ability to audit practitioner numbers and competency levels Cost and mount a realistic practitioner development programme; Plan, develop and distribute adequate support materials for enhanced programmes at the sites; Lack of proper monitoring of the basic requirements for practitioners towards quality practice. LAYING SOLID FOUNDATIONS FOR LEARNING Early Childhood Development Briefing to the Select Committee on Education and Recreation Mrs Palesa Tyobeka Deputy Director-General: General Education 26th August 2009 Putting ECD at the center: An education imperative After 1994 SA accepted the moral responsibility to address significant inequality in opportunity by strengthening focus on the earliest years. Also adopted international definition of ECD as focusing on children from 0 – 9yrs; Commitment in policy documents on ECD centers around health, promotion and welfare of children in their formative years. In Education this commitment has been expressed through the drive to Universal Access to Grade R by 2010 (WP6) and participation and co-leadership of the Integrated Plan for Early Childhood Development: Tshwaragano ka bana. 0 – 4 YEARS Introduction to Tshwaragano ka bana White Paper 5 on Early Childhood Education: The Department of Education accepts that providing ECD for children younger than five years requires a combination and a variety of programmes that draw in several departments and levels of government, nongovernmental organisations, CBOs, families, parents an children. (White Paper 5 p61) There are three main role players: Departments of Education, Health and Social Development (DSD – lead department) General progress to date Some of the improvement in the access to services for children 0 – 4 years: Birth registrations have increased from 25% in 1998 to 72% in 2005 Immunisation coverage has increased from 6



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