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智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思口语天天练:如何点牛排? 摘要: 为了帮助考生们更好地复习雅思考试,小马过河网雅思频道为各位考生整理了雅思口语天天练:如何点牛排,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思口语辅导请继续关注小马过河网雅思频道。 下面小马过河网 雅思 频道为大家整理了 雅思口语 天天练:如何点牛排,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 牛排是去西餐厅吃饭必点的一道菜,可是在点牛排时是有很大的学问的,不同熟度的牛排带来的味道和口感都是不一样的,下面我们一起来练习一段对话,体会一下在西餐厅里该如何点牛排吧: Waiter:What kind of steak you prefer for the dinner? Guest:Mmm, they all look appealing, do you have any suggestion? Waiter:I recommend the Chef’s Special, the Prime Grade Fillet Mignon.(Prime等级的菲力牛排) It is very light and tender. Guest:What do you mean by Prime Grade? Waiter:It means the best quality beef according to the grading system made by the US Department of Agriculture. Guest:I see, so I take you’re advice, let’s try your Filet Mignon. Waiter:Thanks, how do you want to your steak cooked? Most guests choose Medium Rare(5分熟). Guest:Will it be too rare? I am not used to rare food. Waiter:Not at all, you will find that is the meat is so tender and juicy. Guest:I’ll try, don’t let me down. Waiter:Yes, Sir. What kind of accompaniments you choose to match your steak? We have potato, vegetables, and mushrooms. Guest:Do you have baked potato, broccoli, and some mushrooms? Waiter:We certainly do. Any condiment? Guest:No, thank you, I prefer the original taste of the steak. Waiter:Do you want some wine to go with the steak? Guest:A glass of your house wine will be fine Waiter:Thanks for your order, the steak will be ready in 15 minutes. ………. Waiter:Here is your steak, please be careful of the hot plate. Enjoy your dinner. Guest:Thanks a lot. ….. Waiter:How is the dinner? Do you like the steak? Guest:Terrific, everything is so tasty. Waiter:After the main course, do you want some dessert? Guest:I’m really full, I would rather pass this time, could you fixe me a cup of coffee?


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