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A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed. (P3, L1)文化遗迹是一些存留很长时间的东西,常常是其他部分已被毁掉而其中一部分得以保存的古老的东西。 1. survive vt. vi. 幸存 1). Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. 2). Few buildings survived the earthquake. 3). The man survived his sister by three years. 6. do with 1). I didn’t know what to do with the old tree. 2). The new teacher didn’t know what to do with the students. 3). We have nothing else to eat, you have to do with some bread. 4). I cannot do with loud noise. ★ do with deal with What are you going to do with the problem? How are you going to deal with the problem? 9. be made into  被制成 由……制成 (能看出原材料) 由……制成 (看不出原材料) 由……组成/构成 产于,生产于 (某地/某时) The wood here will ____________ table. The bottle ___________ glass. The kind of wine ____________ grapes. This class _____________ 60 students. These shoes ___________ China. 11. of the fancy style “of +抽象名词”表示人或事物所具有的特 征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定语。 They are of different sizes, but they are the same in weight. I don’t find anything of interest in today’s newspaper. Your advice is of great help to learners of English. of great importance = of interest = of use = of value = of help = of high quality of different colours of the same size of this kind * * Unit 1 Language points Explanation vi. 继续生存或存在 vt. 经历某遭遇后幸存 vt. 比……长寿,比……活得长 survivor n. 幸存者 survival n. 幸存 1). Fortunately he survived the traffic accident. 2). Camels can survive for many days with no water. 3). The helicopter picked up all the ________. 4). They prayed for the _______ of the sailors. survivors survival practice 2. remain (1) vi. 留下, 遗留 = stay I went to the city, but my brother remained at home. (2) link-verb   后接n. /adj. /介词短语/不定式 / 表位置的adv. My friend became a boss, but I remained a teacher. The death of the old man


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