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In the technological advanced society, we are inevitably confronted with such a controversial issue about which people have divergent perspectives: whether printed books will exist 20 years later. Some hold the opinion that new technology should take the place of the traditional reading media 20 years later, whereas others disagree and argue that printed books still possess the power to affect people as well as society. From where I stand, I am more inclined to the former in that it is more commonsensical and reasonable. Firstly, e-books are much more convenient to carry. You can scan them readily on the internet wherever you are, and you do not have to worry about the limitation of region. In addition, sometimes you do not expect to read the entire book; on the contrary, you merely want to know the structure or part of them. Therefore, e-books can satisfy your purposes. Moreover, they are easy to deposit as well. Compared to those printed books, you constantly have to concerned about where and how to keep them. The e-books can free you from these disturbing stuffs and save numerous times. In contemporary society, efficiency and effective are regularly been put on the first position. There is no doubt that choosing e-books is obviously a wiser option. Secondly, in the modern society, individuals and nations are going out of their way to reduce the pollution of the environment. E-books will be more environmentally friendly and will protect the earth we live. For example, the processes of printing books require a large amount of resources, such as woods and water. These may be harmful to our nature. Furthermore, the factories that print the books will spread merciless influences upon the environment. The awareness of environmental protection should be accepted, respected, appreciated and advocated. Accordingly, it is no exaggeration to say that e-books will be harmonious with our nature. Apart from the two points above, there is another essential factor that is readil


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