VHF Propagation ModesVHF传播模式.ppt

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VHF Propagation ModesVHF传播模式

Contest Roving - Bill Rogers - RVHFG.org VHF Contest Roving K2TER Bill Rogers September, 26th 2009 VHF Contest Roving Topic: A Brief History of the K2TER/Rover Initial Motivation Rover development/improvements System Diagrams/Ancillaries Operating Successes/January Results Operating Challenges/Lessons Learned Rover Sites Rover.Next Questions VHF Contest Roving What is roving in a VHF Contest? Score is a product of all QSO points x (Unique Band Grid Squares + Grids activated) for a rover Operating from multiple grids allows: More QSO Opportunities – Work the same stations from multiple grids Multiplier Projection – Select sites that favor a particular direction. Operation from Premium Locations – bald hills significantly higher than the average local terrain. Operating while in motion to pick up missed QSOs Need to balance time in a grid vs. number of grids to be visited. Example: 6M opening toward the end of a planned grid stop. (Should we go for the grids or the points in the next grid) Scheds are difficult to maintain. VHF Contest Roving Need to have a comfortable and straight forward operating environment. 24-33 hours on the air in the vehicle. Operating positions need to be flexible to adapt to different operating scenarios Need to be able to get contacts on many bands in the log fast. It is possible to be working 4-5 stations at the same time. Need to be able to set up quickly. We deploy in less than 5 minutes. Need to keep the “juice” flowing. Need to make a credible attempt to keep schedules. Need to make decisions on who to work. Need to coordinate with your partner to pass Qs. Need to maintain an accurate log. Need to check for AU conditions and 6M openings. Need to debug inevitable equipment issues. Keep the station running. Need to be safe! VHF Contest Roving Paper log “tickets” for working multiple stations and “passing” up the bands 2007 W3IY Rover Recognition Award 2007 W3IY Rover Recognition Award Roving - How I got here The



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