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摘 要 21世纪是信息时代,互联网改变了读者的阅读习惯,除了可以随时获取阅读内容外,也可以让读者不用在购买一本本又厚又重的书籍。现在你只需要在互联网客户端,订阅你喜欢的小说,最新内容更新时,就会自动通知你,所喜欢的好看的小说更新了,这种人性化的改变也让越来越多的读者投入到在线阅读怀抱中。 同时,在线阅读网站也陆续出现在人们视野中,但是在这些网站中也存在部分问题,比如各式各样的书籍都有,内容很杂乱,有益的无益的都有,这样就导致很多人不能简单有效地选择自己想要阅读的书籍。 本系统从这些问题出发,让“老铁书站”的开发在注重系统功能的同时,在书籍数据库的建立上也会选择更多有益身心健康的书籍。系统运用Dreamweaver设计页面与功能模块,然后在MyEclipse开发平台上运用JSP网站开发技术开发设计在线阅读系统,简单而明朗的设计出后台管理员容易操作的老铁书站,以此达到用户与管理员之间的交流,从而开发更加人性化,更加体验化,更加方便的老铁书站的在线阅读网站。同时,“老铁书站”能对现在一些在线阅读的网站在书籍选择方面有一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:互联网+时代;在线阅读;网站;用户体验;后台管理 ABSTRACT The 21st century is the information and Internet times. The Internet has changed the readers reading habits, in addition to access to reading content at any time, but also allows readers not to follow the book to buy a book of thick and heavy books. Now you only need to be in the Internet client, subscribe to your favorite novels, the latest content updates, it will automatically notify you, like the good novels updated, this humane change also allows more and more readers get into the online reading. At the same time, online reading sites are also appearing in peoples minds, but there are some problems in these sites, such as books are too many to choose, the content is very messy, which led to a lot of people cannot simply choose their own want Read the books. The system from these problems, so that the old iron station development in the focus on system functions at the same time, in the establishment of the book database will also choose more useful physical and mental health books. The system uses Dreamweaver to design page and function module, and in the MyEclipse development platform uses JSP to design online reading system, in order to achieve the exchange between users and administrators to develop a more convenient old iron library online reading site. The same time, old iron book station can now some online reading of the site in the book selection has a certain role in the alert. Key words: the internet time; online-reading; websites; user experience; b


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