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中小投资决策现状与分析 摘 要 投资决策是企业管理的重要内容之一,在变化市场环境下的企业投资决策对企业的生存与发展极为重要。目前经济发展和企业壮大缺乏资金,而中小企业由于投资决策的失误,加之较重的债务负担,无法继续生存的例子屡见不鲜。这就需要提高投资决策水平来大幅度提高资金利用的效率。西方发达国家己经在理论和实务中开发出各种成熟的方法和技术。而由于实际情况,一些投资决策方法的应用还不普遍。随着经济的快速发展,金融财务系统势必加快与国际接轨的步伐,逐步融入全球化的浪潮,金融市场也将更加完善,从全球经济的视野学习先进的投资决策方法就十分必要。通过对中小企业投资决策的问题研究,从中小企业的角度出发,在对投资决策相关理论及各种投资决策方法介绍和比较的基础上,集合现阶段中小企业投资决策的现状,深入探讨其存在的问题及造成这些问题的原因,以及积极借鉴国外成功经验,改善投资决策环境,促进投资决策理论和投资决策环境的完善和发展,对于促进当前中小企业的发展具有重要的现实意义。 关键词:中小企业;投资决策;决策方法 Decision-making of Investment Activities in Private Enterprise Abstract Investment decision is one of the important contents of enterprise management, changing market environment for the enterprise investment decisions of the survival and development of enterprises is extremely important. The present economic development and the enterprise expands the lack of funds, and private enterprise investment decision error, because the debt burden and heavier, cannot continue living example common occurance. It will need to improve investment decision-making level to greatly improve the efficiency of funds utilization. Western developed countries have already in theory and practice to develop all kinds of mature methods and techniques. And because the actual situation, the application of some investment decision method is not common. With the rapid economic development, financial systems inevitably will accelerate the pace with international standards, and gradually into the tide of globalization, financial market will be more perfect, from the global economic horizons learning advanced investment decision-making method is very necessary. Based on the problems of private enterprise investment decisions from private enterprise, the Angle of investment decision, in the related theory and various investment decision-making method is introduced and, on the basis of comparison of private enterprise investment decisions set of present situation, discussed the existing problems and the causes of the problems, causes



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