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单选/ 翻译1.日常交际用语:礼貌原则 祝贺/ 帮助/ 欢迎----感谢 考试/ 比赛/ 活动-----祝贺/祝福(congratulations/ good luck.)悲伤/ 生病-----感同身受(I’m sorry to hear that.)邀请/ 提议-----接受(why not?/ good idea.)拒绝(i’d love to, but...)Please help yourself. (请自便,请随便吃)冠词 固定搭配:go for a walk, in a hurry, in the morning 定冠词(the):特指(也指前文提及的物);独一无二的事物(the sun, the moon);方位(in the east);专有名词/ 国家名全称(the Great Wall, the People’s Republic of China);后跟形容词表示一类人(the young);后跟姓氏的复数表示夫妇两或一家人(the Whites);后跟序数词表顺序(the second);世纪年代(in the 1990s) 不定冠词(a/ an):首字母发音因素是否元音(m/ s/ u);后跟序数词表又一...,再一...(吃了两个苹果,a third one);a most = very;表示泛指 零冠词(不用冠词):一日三餐(注意:有限定词/ 特指/ 修饰词时需加冠词);球类运动前;国家名简称;月份(in May);年份(in 1990)介词,连词 in:在...之后(将来时);后跟大概时间(早上/月份/年份);方位;短语搭配(arrive in/ at) On:具体某天/ 有修饰词的早上、中午、晚上(on a cold morning) At:具体时间(at 8);具体地点(arrive in/ at);短语搭配(at once/ at night) By:后跟交通工具(by car/ by air);后跟时间,表示不迟于...,到...之前(by the end of this year) Since:自从/ 既然,由于 For:为了,因为(句中) Be made of/ from (是否能看出原材料)Across/ through, with/ without, besides, and, but, or(否则), howeverwhatever= no matter what What to do, how to do (疑问代词+不定式)5.肯定 so + 主语+ be/ 助动词/ 情态动词 so he is/ does/ can 某人确实是/ 确实会 So+ be/ 助动词/ 情态动词+主语 so is/ does/ can he 某人也是/ 也会否定neither + 主语+ be/ 助动词/ 情态动词 neither he is/ does/ can 某人确实不是/ 不会neither+ be/ 助动词/ 情态动词+主语 neither is/ does/ can he 某人也不是/ 也不会句型搭配 Spend +时间/金钱+on sth. / ( in) doing sth. Have difficulty/ trouble/ problem + (in) doing Suggest that 从句( should do) It takes/ took sb. 时间 to do sth. It is known that... As is well-known to all, Need to do (需要做某事)----- need to be done / need doing (需要被...) Tell/ ask sb. To do sth. ------ tell/ ask sb. Not to do sth. Have sth. Done (让某事被做) 强调句:it is/ was... that... Enough + n. , adj. + enough 不定代词+ adj. (something important) Can’t/ couldn’t help doing Although/ though..., (yet) ... 名词所有格 a friend of mine, a friend of Lily’s This is the first/ second time that+ 现在完成时(have/ has done); This was the first/ second time that + 过去完成时(had done) (虚拟语气)If I were you/ an angel, I + 过去式 (I would c


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