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二0一八年绥化市初中毕业学业考试英语试题考生注意:考试时间90分钟全卷共七道大题,97个小题,总分120分所有答案都必须写在答题卡上对应的题号后的指定区域内第一部分英语知识应用(共计75分)一、单项选择(本题共20个小题,每小题1分,共20分)请在答题卡上用28铅笔将你的选项所对应的大写字母涂黑1.I spend_______ hour playing _________drums everyday.A. a;the B. an;/ C. an;the2.-Whats this in English?-___________ a jacket.A. This’s B. Its C. This is3.An earthquake happened in Songyuan, Jilin________ the morning of May28,2018.A. on B. in C. at4.Would you mind ____________down the music? Its too noisy.A. to turn B. turning C. turn5.You cant ________ the bus until it stopsA. get up B. get away C. get off6.Work hard, ____________youll catch up with your classmates next timeA. and B. or C. but7.People are supposed____________ hands when they meet for the first time in America.A. shaking B. to shake C, shake8.This is my ____________day to be here.A. a second B. the second C. second9.Here is a banana, please___________ .Well make a banana milk shake.A. cut them up B. cut up it C. cut it up10.My mother doesnt allow me_ _______outside too late on school nights.A. to stay B. stay C. staying11.Can you give me some_ __________,please?A. message B. suggestion C .advice12.--___________do you like Wolf Warriors II?--.Because its exciting.A Why B. What C. How13.He___________ his grandparents in the countryside last week.A .visits B. visit C. visited14.He asked me_________.A. if I would go skating with himB. when did I buy the CDC ,that I had a good time15.Neither you nor he _________good at drawing.A. are B. is C be16.Alice is __________one of the twins.A .the taller B .taller C. tallest17.I ___________this magazine for three months.A .have bought B .have had C .have borrowed18.She is a teacher__ ________has much teaching experience.A. whose B. who C. whom19.Nowadays,most people prefer to________ computer games rather than___________books.A. play;reading B play;read C .playing; reading20.Jim can swim,___________.A. neither can l B. so l can C. so can I二、完形填



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