
江苏省2016届中考英语 人机对话 考场情景对话.doc

江苏省2016届中考英语 人机对话 考场情景对话.doc

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江苏省2016届中考英语 人机对话 考场情景对话.doc

PAGE PAGE 29情景对话 [1]你喜欢和你的好朋友Max一起打乒乓球,你们每周打一次。What do you like doing with your friend Max?I like playing table tennis with him.How often do you play it?We play it once a week.[2]你爸爸是医生,他当医生已有十五年了。What does your father do?He is a doctor.How long has he been a doctor?He has been a doctor for fifteen years.[3]你家附近开了一家新餐馆,昨天你去吃了,你点了一碗牛肉面。Where is the new restaurant?It is near my home.What did you order yesterday?I ordered a bowl of beef noodles yesterday.[4]你最喜欢科学这门学科,因为你觉得科学很有趣。Which subject is your favourite?My favourite subject is Science.Why do you like it?Because I think Science is interesting.[5]下午你打算去一家服装店,因为你要买一件外套和一条裤子。Where do you plan to go in the afternoon?I plan to go to a clothes shop.Why do you go there?Because I want to buy a coat and a pair of trousers.[6]广告可以帮你比较不同的商品;了解了标价,你就可以去价格最低的商店。What can ads help you to do?They can help me to compare different products.What can you do when prices are listed?I can go to the store with the lowest price.[7]你还没准备好,还没关窗户。Are you ready now?No, Im not.What havent you done?Ive not closed the windows.[8]你今天得做很多杂务,你大概一个小时前开始做的。What do you have to do today?I have to do many chores.When did you start?I started about an hour ago.[9]该乐队组建大约一年了,上个月获得年度最佳新组合奖。How long have the members of the band been together?Theyve been together for about a year.What award did they get last month?They got the best new group of the year.[10]海牛体长十英尺左右,重约一千磅。How long are manatees?Theyre about 10 feet long.How much do they weigh?They weigh about one thousand pounds.[11]海牛体型大,皮肤灰色,生性温和害羞。What do manatees look like?They are big and gray.What are they like?They are gentle and shy.[12]你认为,动物应该住在动物园,动物园为濒危动物提供卫生、安全的栖息之所。Do you think animals should live in zoos?Yes, I think so.Whats the reason?Zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.[13]我家离学校大约五公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。How far is it from your home to the school? Its about five kilometers from my home to the school.How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus.[14


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