外研社必修五第一课时M5P1 Priod 1 Introdtion and ltral ornr.ppt

外研社必修五第一课时M5P1 Priod 1 Introdtion and ltral ornr.ppt

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外研社必修五第一课时M5P1 Priod 1 Introdtion and ltral ornr.ppt

Pairwork: Ask and answer questions about your favorite sport. Using the words below. What…? Where…? How often…? How old…? How good…? Who… with…? table tennis 1. What do they have in common ? They are all Olympic Champions. 2. Do you know what is the last Olympic event ? Marathon. Match the general idea of each paragraph the distance of the marathon and the 1908Marathon the origins of the marathon the hardest Olympic event and the competitors the New York Marathon and the Great Wall Marathon Find out the meaning of the following the expressions. 1). ultimate 2). event 3). rise to one’s feet 4). cheer 5). come from 6). castle 7). dramatically 8). fall onto the ground 最后的 (体育)项目 站起来 欢呼 来自于 城堡 戏剧性地 摔倒在地上 9). pick sb. up 10). finish line 11). protest 12). declare 13). borough 14). landmark 15). extraordinary 16). competitor 17). tough 18). particularly 扶起某人 终点线 抗议 宣布 (自治)区 标志性建筑 特别的;非凡的 竞争者 费力的,困难的 特别地,尤其 * Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Objectives 本模块围绕的中心话题是大家比较感兴趣的体育名人。学习这些体育名人在体坛以及其他领域不畏艰难、奋斗拼搏的精神。 2. 能用本模块所学词汇和短语介绍几位体育名人,谈论体育新闻等和体育相关的话题。 Can you name the sport according to the following pictures? table tennis basketball football rugby 橄榄球 tennis badminton baseball swimming boxing golf gymnastics Do you know what it is? bat 球拍,球棒 You use this to hit the ball in baseball and table tennis. club 高尔夫球棒 You hit a golf ball with this. net 网 In tennis and table tennis the ball must go over this. pitch (足球、橄榄球等) 球场 a field where football and rugby are played ring 拳击台 Boxers fight inside this. stadium 运动场,体育场 a building for important sports events, like the Olympic Games track 跑道 Athletes run along this. tracksuit 运动服 casual clothes you can wear at home or to do sport trainers 运动鞋 sports shoes trainer 教练员 Do you know these famous sportsman or sportswomen ? Deng Yaping diving GuoJingjing& Wu Minxia swimming Phelps Cultural Corner Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 The whole dist


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