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Test drive reception Conference reception Hotel reception Reception service flow Hotel conference hall registration Vehicle: bus Reception flow Prompt the guests reception registration time and cautions with warm SMS; Hotel conference hall reception and registration, wear guest certificate; Work staffs lead guests for registration; Amenity staffs assist the guest to register in the registration area. Activity management Reception management 试驾接待 品鉴会接待 酒店接待 接待服务流程 酒店大堂集合-前往试驾场地 接待车辆:大巴 接待流程: 温馨短信提醒嘉宾接待时间和注意事项 工作人员指引嘉宾上车,沿途简单讲解试驾活动流程。 活动管理 接待管理 Test drive reception Conference reception Hotel reception Reception service flow Gather in hotel lobby –start to test drive site Reception cars: bus Reception flow Prompt the guests reception registration time and cautions with warm SMS; Work staffs lead the guests to get on the car, briefly introduce the test drive flow. Activity management Reception management 接待车辆管理 接待车辆: 考斯特 接待用车日常清洁、美容 选择在专业汽车美容机构进行车辆清洁美容 外部:干净整洁、车牌清晰; 内部:内饰、座椅干净整洁、无尘土和烟灰,无其他杂物。放置空气清新剂; 后备箱:干净整洁、无杂物、油污; 轮胎、轮辋:干净无油污、轮胎完好、胎压正常 同时为每车配发一块专用擦车布和一支尘掸,用于随时清洁车辆 活动管理 接待管理 Reception cars management Reception cars Coaster Daily cleaning for reception cars Clean the cars in professional car service stores External: clean and tidy with clear license; Internal: upholstery and seats are clean with dust and ask as well as other articles, put air refresher in the car; Luggage Tank: clean and tidy without sundries and oil stains; Tyre and rim: clean without oil stains, the tyre pressure is normal Arrange on special car wiping fabric for every car for timely cleaning the cars Activity management Reception management 餐饮标准 餐饮方式:茶歇 自助餐 上市会晚宴 配餐要求: 精致的 健康的 品种丰富的 格调高雅的 特色餐饮:带LOGO蛋糕 茶点 活动管理 餐饮管理 Foods standard Foods mode: tea break buffet, launch conference dinner Requirements: Elaborate Healthy Diversified Elegant Special foods: cake with LOGO, refreshments Activity management Foods management 品鉴会晚宴管理 品鉴会晚宴 五星级酒店西式餐点,西餐顺序标准上餐; 开胃菜、汤


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