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过去完成时态的用法: 1、表示过去的过去,通常由when或by引导的短语或者从句做时间状语或时间状语从句 ① By the end of last year, I had learned about one thousand English words ② By the time he was twenty, he had won about ten medals ③ When I got there, they had already left 2、常用在宾语从句中 ① He told me he had already finished his homework ② I realized he had fooled me again 3、体现在上下文中 I didn’t go to the movies yesterday because I had seen it twice 6. I only just made it to my class. 我恰好到教室。 make it 意为“办成功,做成”。 这里指的是没有迟到,准时赶到。 -Have you got the job? -你得到那份工作了吗? -Yes, I made it. -是的,我成功了。 Have you ever overslept? Have you ever been late for school? Have you ever left your homework at home? Have you ever locked your keys in your house? Have you ever forgotten a relative’s birthday? Have you ever forgotten a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment? Choose one question to make a conversation like the one in 3c 翻译下列句子。 当我回家时,我意识到我把钥匙忘在教室里了。 2. 我睡过头了是因为我的闹钟没有响。 3. 到他叫醒我时,约翰已经奔向学校了。 4. 幸运的是,杰克的父亲让我搭了便车。 woke up rushed to realized chatted with had lunch with relatives watched TV went to sleep Write about Luo Ming’s day. Word Study fool invite costume embarrassed go off get up get dressed empty show up realize change clock exhausted stay up v.邀请 n.服装 adj.窘迫的 (闹钟)闹响 起床 穿衣服 出席,出现 v.意识到 n.钟表 adj.筋疲力尽的 熬夜 n.傻瓜/v.愚弄, 欺骗 adj.空的/v.倒空 n.v.改变 Adjectives (words that describe) Verbs (action words) Nouns (people, place, things) fool costume change clock fool go off get dressed show up change invite get up realize stay up empty exhausted empty Say something that happened to you by using two or more phrases from Activity 1a. Last Friday night my friend invited me to watch some videos. We stayed up really late. On Saturday I was exhausted. dentist homework relative fool embarrassed exhausted happy lock costume break down show up oversleep farmer go off stay up


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