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13春学期《大学英语(一)》在线作业 试卷总分:100? ? ? ?测试时间:-- HYPERLINK /StudentCenter/OnLineJob/DoHomework.aspx?CourseExerciseID=160522key=3ccbe540da2242a8 单选题 一、单选题(共?50?道试题,共?100?分。) HYPERLINK /StudentCenter/OnLineJob/DoHomework.aspx?CourseExerciseID=160522key=3ccbe540da2242a8 V 1.??A trip to that African country whose people are dying from the civil war is described in the doctor’s article as a terrible ____. A. nightmare B. potential C. reaction D. implication ??????满分:2??分 2.??We often have ( ) supper at home. A. us B. ours C. our ??????满分:2??分 3.??To our great disappointment, many things did not ____ quite as satisfactory as we had expected. A. set out B. turn out C. come down D. result in ??????满分:2??分 4.??In redesigning the assembly line the engineer found it difficult to ____ his intention without adequate money. A. carry out B. look into C. set aside D. concentrate on ??????满分:2??分 5.??We haven’t seen Miss White for quite a few months since she was ____ into a big hospital round the corner. A. vanished B. endured C. invited D. admitted ??????满分:2??分 6.??I have a sore throat. I ( )to drink more water. A. got B. have C. think ??????满分:2??分 7.??____ Tuesday evening at eight, Major Joyee will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on “My Experience in China”. A. In B. At C. Of D. On ??????满分:2??分 8.??A:Im keen on football. B: So ( )I. A. have B. do C. am ??????满分:2??分 9.??The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also ____ a large number of social customs. A. produce B. share C. provide D. copy ??????满分:2??分 10.??A:I have got a pain in my chest. B:You ( )see the doctor. A. have B. need C. should ??????满分:2??分 11.??A:( ), Polly? B:Id like a glass of wine, thank you. A. Do you want B. What would you like C. What you like ??????满分:2??分 12.??You should not try to ____ while others are talking. A. interrupt B. deliver C. extend D. pretend ??????满分:2??分 13.??Quite often after dinner, they ( ) music in a pub and ( ) home about midnight. A. are playing…a


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