
污水灌溉条件下土水环境评价与预测研究——以太原市小店区为例-study on evaluation and prediction of soil and water environment under sewage irrigation conditions - a case study of xiaodian district city.docx

污水灌溉条件下土水环境评价与预测研究——以太原市小店区为例-study on evaluation and prediction of soil and water environment under sewage irrigation conditions - a case study of xiaodian district city.docx

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污水灌溉条件下土水环境评价与预测研究——以太原市小店区为例-study on evaluation and prediction of soil and water environment under sewage irrigation conditions - a case study of xiaodian district city

摘要 摘要 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 表明: a.在 2008 年到 2028 年的 20 年期间,无论是潜水还是承压水,岩溶地下水水位略有 下降趋势,但整体上地下水流场形态基本没有发生明显的改变。 b.在 2008 年到 2028 年的 20 年期间,整个模拟区内重金属浓度变化不大,但整体上 呈降低趋势,尤其是浓度值最高的中 部区域,由初始浓度场中的 0.0024mg/L 降为 0.0018mg/L。另外,模拟区内既存在重金属浓度缓慢升高的区域,也存在重金属浓度有所 降低的区域,这主要是地下水流场和浓度场并不一致,盐随水走的结果。 c.不同污灌浓度下地下水流场有较大的变化,无论是潜水还是承压水,地下水位不仅 没有出现升幅,反而模拟区整个地下水水位有所下降,但部分区域也呈现出小幅度的上升 趋势,但地下水流场的趋势与己知的该地区的地下水流向是一致的。 d.与初始浓度场相比,在灌溉初期三种不同污灌浓度的地下水浓度场有所上升,而随 着时间的推移,变化逐渐变缓。污灌浓度越大,随下渗水分进入地下水中的重金属越多, 尤其是高浓度污水入渗结束及再分布过程地下水中的浓度变化最为明显。模拟区中部的重 金属浓度最高,越靠下游重金属浓度相对较低,这可能是由于地下水运移方向主要是从东 西边向中部迁移而携带着重金属不断向中部迁移。 关键词:污水灌溉;土壤;重金属污染;地下水污染风险;Hydrus-1D;Visual MODFLOW; 耦合模型 III 万方数据 万方数据 IV万方数据 IV 万方数据 Abs Abstract Title: On the Evaluation and Forecast of Soil and Water Environment under Sewage Irrigation—Take Xiaodian District of Taiyuan as an Example Major: Environmental Engineering Name: Xiaode ZHOU Signature: Supervisor : Prof. Xiaode ZHOU Signature: Abstract Water Resources play an important role in the process of sustainable development of society, which is irreplaceable for human beings to live on and is also indispensable natural resources which affect human progress and social development. With the rapid development of industry and agriculture, population growth and urbanization, the water shortage has become a serious factor restricting social development: How to solve the water crisis? How to solve the problem of irrigation water in the northern semi-arid natural environment under the background of the gradual depletion of surface water? In the whole country, especially in the northern region, waste water irrigation has become an effective way to alleviate the water crisis. However, unreasonable irrigation methods, inadequate drainage systems and large-scale surface water result soil secondary stalinization, groundwater environment deterioration and a series of environmental problems, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. Hydro salinity seriously hampered agricultural development in the area. Taiyuan of



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