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前陆盆地分析;主要内容;一、基本概念;1. Terminology: foreland;Terminology;Terminology;Terminology;Terminology;Terminology;Terminology;Terminology;Terminology;Foreland basin;Foreland basin;Foreland basin;Dickinson (1974) distinguished between ‘peripheral’ foreland basins, which form on subducting plates in front of thrust belts that are synthetic to the subduction direction, and ‘retroarc’ foreland basins, which develop on the overriding plates inboard of continental-margin magmatic arcs and associated thrust belts that are antithetic to the subduction direction. ;Foreland basin;Foreland basin;Foreland basin;;A foreland basin generally is defined as an elongate trough that forms between a linear contractional orogenic belt and the stable craton, mainly in response to flexural subsidence that is driven by thrust-sheet loading in the orogen ( e.g. Price, 1973; Dickinson, 1974; Beaumont, 1981; Jordan, 1981, 1995; Lyon-Caen Molnar, 1985). ; Important ancillary concepts that are equally entrenched in the literature are: (i) foreland basin sediment fill is wedge shaped in transverse cross-section, with the thickest part located directly adjacent to, or even partially beneath, the associated thrust belt (Jordan, 1995) (ii) foreland basin sediment is derived principally from the adjacent thrust belt, with minor contributions from the cratonward side of the basin (Dickinson Suczek, 1979; Schwab, 1986; DeCelles Hertel, 1989); and (iii) a flexural bulge, or forebulge, may separate the main part of the foreland basin from the craton (e.g. Jacobi, 1981; Karner Watts, 1983; Quinlan Beaumont, 1984; Crampton Allen, 1995). ;2. Foreland basin system;;;;;Foreland basin system;Foreland basin system;Foreland basin system;;;Fig. 7. (A) Flexural profile for a thin, infinite, elastic plate floating on a fluid substrate, subjected to a rectangular topographic load 100 km wide and 2.5 km high located on its left side, but not shown, and a load of sediment that fills the foredeep to the level of the fo



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