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How many modern means/ways of communication have you found? Lets discuss in groups How to write a personal letter? What shall we write in each paragarph? How to write a personal letter to someone who we havent seen for ages in English? Read Wang Ying’s letter. Match each paragraph with one of the following. a reason to end the letter questions about the other person information about Wang Ying’s life saying who you are 24th October. Dear Fang Lan, This is Wang Ying. Remember me? We were friends in primary school. We haven’t seen each other for about ten years-right? Anyway, how are you? I got your address from Chen Xiaohong. What are you doing now? Are you working? I remember you always wanted to be a police officer. At the moment I’m studying medicine at a university. Do you remember Xie Jun? He’s on the same course as me! I think I’ve changed a lot over the years. I don’t like pop music any more-I prefer classical music now. Well, I must finish here because I’ve got an exam tomorrow. Write back soon and tell me all your news. All the best Wang Ying Read Wang Ying’s letter. Match each paragraph with one of the following. a reason to end the letter questions about the other person information about Wang Ying’s life saying who you are Informal Style Contraction: isn’t, didn’t, don’t, what’s Punctuation: full stop . comma , question mark ? exclamation mark ! dash – Informal words and phrases: Remember me? Right? Anyway,guess what? Well, …(Linking ) Stage 1 What is the person’s name? Where and when did you meet him or her? What kind of person was he or she? What were his or her interests then? Stage 2 Make notes about your present life: 1.What are you doing now? 2.What were your interests then? 3.How have y


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