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人教版七年级英语下册期中试卷 一.翻译短语。(10分) 1.in winter ______________ 2.in this heat 3. a photo of my family 4.during the day 5.a group of people 6. 散步______________ 7.沙滩排球______________ 8.在度假______ 9.在对面______________ 10.玩得高兴_____________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.It’s a beautiful, ______ day. (sun) 2. This is the _______of the story. (begin) 3. They can _______the guitar well. (play) 4. How many _____can you see in the room? (man) 5. Mary enjoys _______football games very much. (watch) 6. Thanks for _____me so much help. (give) 7. Lin Tao wants ________an actor when he grows up. (be) 8. Nancy likes _____to music. (listen) 9. Can you and your brother________ ? (swim) 10. Look! The children ______happily over there. (play) 三.写出下列句子的同义句(5分) 1. How s the weather today?----------------the weather today? 2.The pay phone is in the neighborhood. The pay phone is . 3. Whats her job?=What is she? What she ? 4. My aunt is from Canada. My aunt Canada. 5.Look! They are taking a photo. Look! They are taking . 四、句型转换(10分) 1. There is some money for her.(改为否定句) money for her? 2. I am doing my homework.(对划线部分提问) you ? 3. They are some young women. (改为单数形式) a young . 4. There is a supermarket across from the park. ( 改为一般问句) ________ __________ a supermarket across from the park? 5. I like dolphins. Because they are very intelligent. ( 划线部分提问) _________ _________ you like dolphins? 6. Her English teacher is from the USA. ( 同上 ) ___________ is her English teacher _____________? 7. She often plays soccer after school. (用now改写句子) She __________ ____________ soccer now. 8. It’s humid today. (就划线部分提问) ____________ ___________ __________________________today? 9. It’s great. (就划线部分提问)


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