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确定系统对象; 资料调查收集; 系统功能分解; 分析辨识危险; 确定危险等级; 制定措施; 实施措施。 Determine the system object; Data collection; System function decomposition; Analysis and identification of hazards; Determine the hazard level; Develop measures; Implementing measures. 分析、辩识危险 Dangerous and harmful factors Inherent risk Occupational disease Risk of storage (1)按照逻辑思维方式分:归纳法和演绎法;(2)按定性定量分 Safety EngineerinⅠg NASAs illustration showing high impact risk areas for the International Space Station Safety engineering is an engineering discipline which assures that engineered systems provide acceptable levels of safety. It is strongly related to industrial engineering/systems engineering, and the subset system safety engineering. Safety engineering assures that a life-critical system behaves as needed, even when components fail. 常用术语 危险:hazard 安全:safe 事故:accident 风险:risk 灾害:disaster 系统:system 可靠性:reliability 安全分析:safety analysis 安全评价:safety evaluation Accident causation models 事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理 Physical conditions 物质条件 Loss prevention 损失预防 Top management高层管理人员 Human errors人因失误 Hazard control 危险控制 Corporate culture 企业文化 Risking taking 冒险行为 Safety officer 安全官员 Safety committee 安全委员会 Unionized company 集团公司 Safety principle 安全规则 Status review 状态审查 Supervisory level 监督层 Implement plan 执行计划 Hazard identification 危险辨识 Safety performance 安全性能 Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design and manage complex systems over their life cycles. At its core systems engineering utilizes systems thinking principles to organize this body of knowledge. Issues such as requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability and many other disciplines necessary for successful system development, design, implementation, and ultimate decommission become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects.


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