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-----The town of lanvender * * Provence is a former Roman province and is a region of southeastern France, located in the Mediterranean Sea (地中海)adjacent to France‘s border with Italy. It is now part of the administrative region of Provence-Alps-C?te d’Azur. (阿尔卑斯山) * Provence has been inhabited(占领) since prehistoric times. From then on, from the Latin Provincial, as Provence was one of the first and most Romanized provinces of the Roman Empire . From 1032 to 1246 ,the county was part of the Holy Roman Empire. (神圣罗马帝国) * Sky of the Provence is blue fully limpid(清澈的) as fresh air chilled water in her lungs unrecognized lemon, inmost innermost flows like a spring, straight to sing roar. The activities of this area leave you feel vertiginous since the beginning of February, Menton lemon festival (蒙顿柠檬节)until July - August and Vernon art festival(弗农艺术节). Europe HongJi’s opera festival, until August PuWang mountainous area lavender (薰衣草)festival, ever-green echo the mountain city unrestrained years. * Geological Reserve of Haute-Provence 普罗旺斯地质公园 * In the words of many famous writers, Provence is not only a name of a place, but also represents an kind of easy and relaxing lifestyle. It likes a paradise(天堂) for its climate, wine and lavender. * The climate of Provence is famous for its sunshine. It is warm and dry. In whatever season, you can enjoy the beauty of sun-shine. The sunshine is of a great help to the growing of grapes and lavender. * Camargue 卡玛格庄园 * French southern areas name. the historical and cultural city, under the citys a region. NeHe delta in ROM between two tributaries. Many wetlands and the grass. The north has a grassland, a vineyard. The central and southern traditional production activity is a black bull and the small white horse. To grow rice, production of sea salt. Because the local species of plants and animals, opened in 1967 special for natural park. * WoKeLvZi province is France - alpine - blue coast had jurisdiction provi


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