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PAGE PAGE 7 题 目 宜家国际化战略下的 本土化战略研究 姓 名 学 号 所在学院 国际工商管理学院 年级专业 市场营销 指导教师 职称 完成时间 年 月 宜家国际化战略下的本土化战略研究 摘 要:跨国公司根据自身状况和市场环境选择适合自己的国际经营战略以开拓国际市场。然而,随着竞争的日益激烈,单一的彻底的国际经营战略似乎开始无法满足企业发展的需要。宜家(IKEA)创建于瑞典,凭着国际化战略走出了国门,但是本土化却在其成为全球家具业零售巨头的过程中起着不可忽视的作用。尤其是在中国这个特殊的市场,本土化显得尤为重要。本文试从企业国际化和本土化的相关理论入手,分析宜家国际化战略的选择和在华实施本土化的背景、现状和不足之处,最后总结出宜家战略值得其他跨国公司借鉴之处。 关键词:国际化战略;本土化;宜家;跨国营销 Research of Localization in International Strategy of IKEA Abstract::To exploit the overseas market, transnational corporations choose suitable international business strategy according to their situation and market environment. However, as the competition is becoming fiercer, a simple and thorough international business strategy seems not to satisfied the development of the corporation. IKEA was built in Sweden then walked out to the world with its International Strategy. But localization also plays an important part in its way to a global tycoon of furniture retailing. Localization appears to be particular important in such a special market as China. This paper tries to begin with correlate theory of internationalization and localization. And then it will analyze why IKEA chooses International Strategy. Also, the paper will talk about the background, current situation and limitations of IKEA’s localization in China. Finally, it will summarize the advantages of IKEA’s strategy that are useful to other transnational corporations. Key words: International Strategy; Localization; IKEA; Transnational Marketing 目 录 摘 要 ……………………………………………………………………………………… MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick Ⅰ Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………… MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick Ⅰ MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick 1 引言 ………………………………………………………………………………………… MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick 1 1.1 选题背景……………………………………………………………………………… MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick 1 1.2 选题研究意义…………………………


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