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w 图书分类号: 密 级: 毕业论文 淮安汤始建华管桩有限公司在财务杠杆运用中存在的误区及其改进 RESEARCH ON THE MISUNDERSTANDING AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE APPLICATION OF FINANCIAL LEVERAGE IN HUAIAN TANGSHI JIANHUA CONCRETE PITE CO., LTD 学生姓名 班 级 会计(3)班 学 号 学院名称 管理学院 专业名称 会计学 指导教师 年05月22日 w 摘要 目前,财务杠杆对企业来说是一把“双刃剑”。一方面,财务杠杆帮助企业获得税盾利益;另一方面,财务杠杆如果运用失策,它会产生潜在的财务风险。本文借鉴负债融资相关理论,综合运用文献分析法、案例研究法、比较分析法等,文章首先剖析了淮安汤始建华管桩有限公司在财务杠杆运用中存在的种种误区:负债规模与企业的偿债能力、盈利能力未实现合理的匹配;忽视财务杠杆的负面效应过分倚重负债融资;风险防范机制不尽合理。结合建材行业的经营特征,文章提出了合理运用财务杠杆的相关举措:努力提高偿债能力以避免财务风险;合理运用财务杠杆积极拓展融资渠道;结合建材企业经营特征完善风险防范机制。 关键词 财务杠杆;负债;融资;财务风险 Abstract Nowadays, financial leverage is regarded as a kind of double-edged sword for modern business. On one hand, financial leverage help business gain the Tax-shield advantage; On the other hand, if been conducted inappropriately, it will lead to the potential financial risk. To begin with, based on the related theories of debt operation, comprehensively employing the case study, literature analysis as well as comparative analysis, the paper analyzes the main practical problems of financial leverage in Huaian Tangshi Jianhua Concrete Pite Co.,LTD:the financing scale does not match the operating strategy and financial strategy; unreasonably rely on the debt financing ignoring the negative effect of financial leverage; the precaution system of financial risk is very poor. Consequently, the paper puts forward the following measures such as:to enhance the solvency in order to avoid the financial risk; to reasonably apply the financial leverage in practice; to improve the precaution system of financial risk according to the construction material industrial characteristics. Keywords financial leverage liabilities financing financial exposure w 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc293954755" 1绪论 PAGEREF _Toc293954755 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc293954756" 1.1选题的背景与意义 PAGEREF _Toc293954756 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc293954757" 1.2国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc293954757 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc293


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