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PAGE 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 随着生活结构的改变,煤渣所占生活垃圾的比例逐渐减少,食物垃圾成为生活垃圾的一个主要组成部分。由于我国垃圾尚未实行规范分类管理,所以厨房食物垃圾混合在城市生活垃圾中做一般常规处理。目前美国、日本等国家都已普遍使用厨房食物垃圾粉碎机。本文依据我国实际情况,研制适合本国的厨房食物垃圾预处理装置——厨房食物垃圾粉碎机,使居民在家中可以直接时厨房垃圾进行初步处理。 设计中首先对在我国使用厨房垃圾粉碎机进行可行性分析,然后研究其工作原理和工作特性,制定设计方案,进行关键零件的材料选择、密封件的选择和电机的选择。重点进行了粉碎刀盘的结构设计、尺寸计算以及强度校核,以及其他部分的结构设计,最后运用Auto-CAD软件绘制设计图纸。 关键词:食物垃圾 永磁电机 单稳电路 组合刀盘 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title Food waste processor Abstract As the structure change of living, food garbage has taken an important position of waste. Because in our country, waste is mixed collection and garbage is not classified, so all refuse be disposed as general method. Now, the developed countries such as USA、Japan has make use of kitchen food garbage disposal commonly. According to the characters of food garbage, a new device-kitchen food garbage disposal was designed by the paper. The machine makes it become true that people can remove kitchen garbage at home. After discussed the significance of designing food garbage disposal, the feasibility of the device was analysed. Then explained the theory and the characteristic of working, with contrasted of some different kinds of design project , the design project was constituted , and the material of key parts、seal components and electromotor was chosen, the control circuit was designed and the picture of circuitry was drawn by Protel , the dynamic condition was analysed. The accounting of the measure and the structure of crush sword and checking of the intensity was stressed,then the other parts of the machine was designed, finally all designs was drawn by Auto-CAD. Key words:food garbage permanent magnet motor single stabilization circuit combination cutters PAGE 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc196886930 \h - 1 - 1.1 厨房食物垃圾处理的紧迫性 PAGEREF _Toc196886931 \h - 1 - 1.2 厨房食物垃圾的特征及其危害 PAGEREF _Toc196886932 \h - 2 - 1.2.1 厨房食物垃圾的特征 PAGEREF _Toc196886933 \h - 2 - 1.2.2 厨房食物垃圾的危害 PAGEREF _Toc196886934 \h - 3 - 1.3 食物垃圾处理的方法 PAGEREF _Toc196886935 \h - 3 - 1.3


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