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2009年高考英语单词拼写辅导 【试题特点】 所选单词均在高考考试大纲《词汇表》中的单词范围之内。    题干句子简单明了。    选用多音节词,单词多在5个字母以上,低于5个字母的较少。    选用词多为常见词或容易拼写错误的单词,多数单词都有不同的变化形式。    体现”词不离句、词随句变”的特点,即根据语境要求填入单词的适当形式。 【考纲解读】 考查单词的拼写能力。    考查词形变化和语法知识的运用能力。    考查近义词语的区别。 【命题趋势】 1.项目考查重点化。考查的词类主要为:动词、名词、副词和形容词。 年份 动词 名词 副词 形容词 其他 2006年 4411 2007年 3511 2008年 3411数词1个   2.常用词多,生僻词少,所选词都为大纲要求掌握的单词,并且多是5个以上字母的长单词。 年份 单 词 长 单词 动词 名词 形容词 副词 其他 2006年 breathing protect improved starvedaccident geography bargain congratulationsdeliciousfoolishly 102007年 Winning recognized forgiveleaves republic ceiling Exhibition possession impossiblesuddenly 82008年 regretting divide spreadmaterials temperature blanket neighbor curiousstrictlytwelfth10   3.句子多为简单句子,语法也较简单。 4.语境突出。 【典型错误】 1. 词性不分 Do you know how many countries belong to __________Union.   The government will take _________ action to punish the criminals.   Since my __________ in France, I have made a great number of friends. 2. 忽略名词的复数形式及不规则变化。 Cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes are my favorite ____________.   One of the __________taking the plane to London is a great writer.   I set a trap for __________, but I failed to catch any one. 3. 可数名词和不可数名词不分 We’ve just bought a big house and need some new _____________.   We offered our _____________ to Li Ping on winning the first prize in the National English Competition. 4. 不清楚不规则或规则动词的正确变化形式 It was extremely cold and some animals were ____________ to death.   The idea started in Standlake and has ____________ throughout the country   The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without__________ to his notes. 5. 忽略时态或语态 The house that fell last night is being _____________.   I hadn’t seen him for years, but still I ___________ his voice on the phone.   Many people ___________ in the main square and supported him. 6. 忽略非谓语动词形式 We’re looking forward to __________ your letter as soon as possible.   John had a bad cold. He kept __________the whole night.   It’s no use ____________ what you have done. 7. 忽略形容词、副词



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