高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit four Earthquakes复习(重点导学、操练巩固).docVIP

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit four Earthquakes复习(重点导学、操练巩固).doc

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高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit four Earthquakes复习(重点导学、操练巩固)

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit four Earthquakes复习(重点导学、操练巩固)   Unit four Earthquakes   一、重点导学   根据所给句子判断知识点的词性词义,并归纳其用法   1、burst 词性: 词义:   In the city, the water pipes in some buildings crached and burst. 城市里,一些大楼里的水管爆裂。   The square is bursting with tourists.   I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.   The police burst through the door.   There was a burst of laughter in the next room.   He burst in on our conversation.   The speaker burst into angry speech.   The woman burst out crying like a child.   I am bursting to tell you the news.   ※ 重点操练   Somehow or other, the baby______ into tears.(突然大哭)   2、suffer 词性: 词义:   The suffering of the people was extreme. 人们极度痛苦。   He suffered terribly when his mother died.   If I lost, my self-esteem will suffer.   He suffered no pain   I suffered most from lack of rest.   I am suffering from a cold.   ※ 重点操练   _______ such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river .(由于受到)   3、reach v. 词性: 词义:   The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. 伤亡人数达到四十多万。   They started early, hoping to reach there before dark.   The number of the students in our school will reach 2000 next year.   Can you reach the book on the top of the shelf?   Please pass me the salt, it’s out of my reach.   Your letter reached me yesterday.   The news reached me just now.   Where does this road reach?   ※ 重点操练   Most children stay at home until they ____ school age.(达到)   4、cover 词性: 词义:   Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. 砖头象秋天的红树叶一样覆盖着地面。   The playground is covered by fallen leaves, we should clean it.   I am covered by dust.   She covered her face with her hands.   The study of physics covers many subjects.   The mother covered the baby from the falling ceiling.   I can cover 100 Li on foot a day.   How many pages have you covered?   Our school covers an area of square meters.   The chief ed


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