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精品资料网() 25万份精华管理资料,2万多集管理视频讲座 精品资料网() 专业提供企管培训资料 对外经济合同英文写作1 对外经济合同英文写作 第二版 目 录 HYPERLINK 中国最庞大的下载资料库下载 Unit One Some Language Features in the Contract Documents对外经济合同文件中的英语语言特点 Unit Two Adverbs in Law Documents 法律条款中常用的副词 One ? Hereby Two ? Hereinafter Three Therein Four ?Thereof Five ?Hereof Six ? Hereto Seven Herein Eight Thereafter; Thereto; Therewith Unit Three Terminology 专用词汇 One ? Whereas Two ? In Witness Whereof; Whereby Three Know All Men by These Presents; ? ? ? Undersigned; Now Therefore HYPERLINK 中国最庞大的下载资料库下载 Unit Four Phrases 短语与词组 One ? Unless Otherwise Two ? In Accordance with; Under; Pursuant to Three In Respect of; In Respect Thereof Four ?Notwithstanding Five ?In the Event That; In the Event of Six ? Provided that Seven Be Deemed Eight In Question Nine ?In Case; In Case of Ten ? Be Liable; Be Liable to Unit Five Structure of Sentence 句子结构 One ? Shall 关于Shall的用法 Two ? Positioning of Adverbial Modifiers 句子中状语的位置 Three Positioning of Adverbial Modifier in subordinate Clauses 从句中的状语的位置 Four ?Positioning of Clauses 从句简略形式在句中的位置 Five ?Attributive Clauses Such as 关于such…as的用法 Unit Six HYPERLINK 中国最庞大的下载资料库下载 Main Terms of Foreign Economic Contracts 对外经济合同中的主要条款 One ?Corporate or personal Names of the Contracting Parties and Their Nationalities and Principal Places of Business or Domicile合同当事人的名称或姓名,国籍,主要营业地点或住所 Two ? Type of Contract and Kind and Scope of the Object of the Contract合同的种类与合同的范围 Three ?Contract and Rate, Amount and Method of Payment, and Other Various Incidental Charges合同价格,支付金额,支付方式和各种附带的费用 Four ? Conditions for Assignment of Contract, Liability to Pay Compensation and Other Liabilities for Breach of Contract合同转让的条件和违反合同的赔偿及责任 Five ? Methods for Settling Contract Disputes合同发生争议时的解决办法 Six ? ?The Language in Which the Contract Is to Be Written and Its Validity合同使用的文字及其效力 Seven ?Force Majeure不可抗力条款 Appendix HYPERLINK 中国最庞大的下载资料库下载 1. Reading Materials: the Relevant Terms of Foreign Economic Affairs阅读:对外经济法规有关条款 2. Samples of Conta


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