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They have very high expectations of me and they expect me to try my best in all aspects. They told me how important college experience will be in my life and how many opportunities college education will open up before me. Tips 2. What expectations do your parents have for you and do you follow these ideas? Further discussion 解释: Begin and spend your college years with passion. 译文: 用满腔的热情拥抱大学时光吧! deal with with passion 原句: Approach these years enthusiastically! (Para. 9, L1) Sentence interpretation bittersweet in incredible ways sad leg seriously intellectual capacity Text comprehension Text summary Besides, the father attaches greater importance to what his child learns rather than __________. More importantly, the father recommends that his child make friends with ___________________ people, trust them and be close to them. To conclude, the father firmly suggests that his child should _________________ as well as the university experience, and spend the college years ____________. the grades genuine and sincere treasure the youth with passion Text summary Practical phrases Practical phrases Specific meanings 1. open up 出现,成为可能 2. take something seriously 认真对待某事 3. sign up for sth. 报名,选课 4. be bound by sth. or sb. 被某事或某人所左右 5. give sb. the benefit of the doubt 姑且相信某人 6. evolve to the fullest potential 发挥出最大的潜力 7. be born to do / be sth. 天生适合做某事 8. can’t wait to do sth. 急着做/等不急做某事 出现,成为可能 As long as you work hard and get well-prepared today, a brighter future will open up before you tomorrow. open up (L.3) 短语逆译 短语应用 只要你今天努力工作并做好准备,明天一个光明的未来将展现在你的面前。 意群提示 Practical phrases 认真对待某事 take something seriously 短语逆译 These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to take them seriously. 短语应用 这些建议可能不是很完美,但是我们必须认真对待。 意群提示 Practical phrases 报名,选课 When signing up for the optional course, many college students will take into consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the courses and so on. sign up for


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