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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 历年中考英语作文满分精选 【书面表达1】 近日,某中学“iPad进课堂”的消息引起了学生和家长们的讨论。你校的English Newsletter正在以“iPads,Coming into the Classrooms”为题举办征文活动,请你根据下列表格(略)提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。 iPads, Coming into the Classrooms Can you use an iPad in the classroom? The answer is yes! Recently, students and parents are arguing about the new teaching methods. The students don’t think they have to carry heavy bags any more. It’s cool to have lessons over iPads. It’s very interesting to study like that. They believe that they will learn more and better. However, parents think using iPads for too long will influence children’s eyesight. And some poor families can’t afford to buy iPads. I think in some ways iPads are good for us. We can search for information on the Internet at any time. It’s easy for us to chat with our classmates and teachers about our lessons. 【书面表达2】 (2014镇江卷) 父母的鼓励有利于孩子健康成长。鼓励可以是赞许的话语,也可以是一份礼物。请根据表格描述李江的父母曾经对他鼓励的方式,对此做出你的评价并表达你希望你的父母如何鼓励你。 人物 成长的点滴 鼓励的方式 李江 学习进步 买礼物,如:文具 (stationery) 、手机等 你的评价 与希望 竞赛获奖 去饭店庆祝 分担家务 多给零花钱 要求: 1.所写内容必须包括所有信息,可适当发挥; 2.评价李江父母的做法;表达你希望你的父母如何鼓励你; 3.文章不少于90词,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 4.语气通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,条理清楚,字迹工整; 5.文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名。 Parents’ encouragement is good for their children’s growth. It’s a nice way for parents to speak highly of their children when they make progress. It is very common for parents to buy their children presents. For example, when Li Jiang made progress in his study, his parents bought him stationery, a mobile phone and so on. After Li Jiang won prizes in the competitions, his parents took him to the restaurant for a big dinner. When Li Jiang did some housework, he could get some extra pocket money from his parents. I don’t think/suppose it’s really a good way for Li Jiang’s parents to give him something or money as encouragement. I don’t want my parents to buy me something when I’ve done very well in my study. I hope they can give me more chances to decide what I can do in my free time. If so, I will be more confident to do everything



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