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摘 要 随着科技的不断发展,手机逐渐成为生活的必需品。传统的手机逐渐退出历史舞台。以Android系统为主的智能手机由于功能强大、价格低廉,俘获了大众的心。手机上会存储大量的信息,包括通讯录、短信、照片、银行卡密码等。个人隐私信息容易被别人无意看到或有意窃取。一旦手机丢失,可能这些隐私泄露了,还可能导致亲戚朋友上当受骗,对人们的工作和生活产生极大的影响,给用户造成不可挽回的损失,所以针对此问题开发一款功能简单好用的手机防盗软件必不可少。 本软件可以通过简单的设置,就可以通过亲友手机发送短信就可以实现手机定位、锁屏、响警报、销毁数据,还有丢失手机换SIM卡会自动向亲友手机发送提醒。这样一款简单实用,软件所占内存较小的手机防盗软件,通过模拟器和真机测试,适合Android 2.3及以上的手机,上述功能均已实现。 关键词:Android;手机防盗;广播机制;短信 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of science and technology, mobile phone has gradually become the necessities of life. The traditional phone gradually withdrew from the historical stage. Android smartphones have captured the publics heart due to its powerfulness, low price. Mobile phone can store a lot of information, including contacts, messages, photos, bank card password, etc. Personal privacy information are easy to be seen by others without intension or on purpose .Once the phone is missing, may the privacy, can also lead to the relatives and friends cheated, have great impact on peoples work and life, irreparable loss caused to the user, so developing a function for this problem is simple to use mobile phone security software is indispensable. This software can be set through simple, can be used mobile phones to send text messages can be achieved with friends and family orientation, lock screen, alert, destroy data, and loss of mobile phones in SIM card will automatically to relatives and friends to send reminders. Such a simple and practical security software, through the simulator and real machine test, and is suitable for the mobile phone Android 2.3 and above, these functions have been implemented. Key words: Android; mobile anti-theft; broadcast mechanism; SMS 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 选题依据与背景 1 1.2 国内外研究动态 1 1.2.1 国内研究动态 1 1.2.2 国外研究动态 1 1.3 研究目的 2 1.4章节安排 2 2 Android开发基础 3 2.1 Android语言的简介 3 2.2 Eclipse开发平台简介 4 2.3 Android开发环境搭建 4 2.4 主要技术介绍 8 2.4.1 活动(Activity)组件 8 2.4.2 服务(Service)组件 9 2.4.3 广播接收者(Broadcast receivers)组件 10 2.4.4 事件监听 10 2.4.5 数据的读取 10 3 手机防盗系统的概要设计 11 3.1 功能


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