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PAGE PAGE 1 核心词组 1 a great drain on sth. 对……巨大的消耗 2 account for 说明,解释 3 accuse...of... 指控……谴责…… 4 act as 担任,充当 5 adapt (…) to… (使)适应 6 add to 增添 7 add up to 合计达 8 adjust (…) to 调整……(使)适应 9 admit…to/into 准许……进入 10 agree on 就……取得一致 11 agree to 同意某人观点、意见 12 agree with… 同意……的意见;适合 13 ahead of time/schedule 提前 14 aim at 瞄准,争取 15 appeal to 呼吁;吸引 16 apply for 申请 17 apply…to… 把……应用于…… 18 approve of 赞成 19 as a matter of fact 事实上 20 as a result 作为结果;因此 21 as a whole 作为整体,就整体来看 22 as far as 就……而言,远到……,到……程度(表示程度,范围) 23 as usual 照常 24 ask a favor of 请……帮个忙 25 ask about 查询,打听 26 ask after 问候 27 associate A with B 把A和B联系起来 28 assure…of 向……保证 29 at a loss 茫然不知所措 30 at all costs/at any cost 不惜一切代价 31 at first sight 乍一看 32 at one time 一度 33 at present 现在,目前 34 at the cost of 以……为代价 35 at the mercy of 任由……的摆布 36 at the moment 此刻,目前;那时,当时 37 at the risk of ones life 冒着生命危险 38 at times 有时 39 attach (…) to 把……依附于 40 attach importance to 重视 41 award sb.sth 授予某人某物 42 base…on… 把……放在……的基础上 43 be absent from 缺席 44 be absorbed in… 全神贯注于…… 45 be accustomed to doing 习惯于做 46 be anxious about 担忧 47 be aware of 意识到的 48 be capable of 有能力 49 be composed of… 由……组成 50 be concerned about 关心 51 be confident of 对……有信心 52 be considerate of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事考虑得周到 53 be contrary to 与……相反 54 be curious about 对……好奇 55 be determined to do 决定做某事 56 be down with 由于……病倒 57 be engaged in 忙于做某事 58 be equal to 与……相等 59 be exposed to 曝光于,接触 60 be faced with sth. 面对…… 61 be familiar with 对……熟悉 62 be fed up with 对……厌烦 63 be fit for 适合…… 64 be free from 没有……的 65 be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth. 因某事感激某人 66 be ignorant of 对某事一无所知 67 be in favour of 支持(赞成)…… 68 be independent of 独立于 69 be infected with 受感染 70 be inferior to 较低于,与……相比不如 71 be involved in 卷入,参与 72 be located (in) 坐落(在) 73 be lost in thought 陷入沉思 74 be of good/poor quality 质量好/差 75 be on a diet 节食 76 be opposed to doing 强烈反对做某事 77 be particular about 对……挑剔 78 be popular with/among 受某人欢迎 79 be present at 出席,在场 80 be qualified for 可胜任…… 81 be rela


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