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模拟练习一 1. vehicle 2. accessory a machine such as a car, bus, or truck 3. accessible the process of gradually improving 4. progress several different things of the type mentioned 5. various 6. facility 7. format the inherent capacity for coming into being 8. potential a short account which gives the main points but not the details. 9. summary pieces of equipment 10. productive 11. policy 12. community a book or magazine that has been published. 13. academic the things that you need 14. publication a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group 15. requirement 16. absence 17. original the release of gas into the atmosphere. 18. creation relate to language or linguistics. 19. linguistic it is not there or does not exist. 20. emission 21. tradition 22. division a custom or belief that has existed for a long time. 23. commercial the basic and most important thing 24. essence relate to the buying and selling of goods 25. surface 模拟练习二 1. function 2. relation work or operate 3. native a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something 4. theory a person who was born in a particular place 5. principle 6. finance 7. institution a large important organization such as a university 8. character how much money it is worth 9. application a formal written request 10. value 11. extinct 12. machine no longer have any living members 13. circle a shape consisting of a curved line completely surrounding an area 14. evaluation put something in a situation where they might be harmed 15. endanger 16. example 17. athlete relate to society or to the way society is organized 18. creditable a person who does a sport 19. social a representative form or pattern 20. addition 21. concern 22. proportion the person who leads a musical group 23. director the study of the societies and peoples of the past 24. archaeology the number of people compared to the total number of people 25. privacy 模拟练习三 1. analysis 2. breed a substance such as oil that is burned to provide heat o


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