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第20 卷第3 期 江 苏 工 业 学 院 学 报 Vol1 20 No1 3 2008 年9 月 JOURNAL OF JIANGSU POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Sep1 2008 : 1673 9620 (2008) 03 0050 06 * 1 2 1 3 3 , , , , ( 11 , 213164; 21 , 213022; 31 , 213016) : TMP , , Kc, Scatchard Scatchard , MIP , K d1, K d2 Qmax 1, Qmax2 11 37@ 10 5 mol/ L, 91 50@ 10 5 mol/ L 251 72 Lmol/ g, 691 06 Lmol/ g MIP : ; ; ; : Q 632; R 971 : A Synthetic Receptor for Propranolol Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer 1 2 1 3 3 SUN Xian xiang , QIU Yue jin , XIE Ai juan , WANG Zhi yong , SU Zeng quan ( 1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. Changzhou Bureau of Commodity Inspection Quarantine on Entering and Exiting, Chang zhou 213022; 3. T ian Ze Chemical Limited Company) Abstract : A synthetic receptor for Propranolol hydrochloride was prepared by a non covalently imprinted technique, using Propranolol hydrochloride as a template, methyl methacrylate ( MMA) as a functional monomer and tri [hydroxymethyl] propan tri acrylic acid (T MP) as a cross linker, and metha nol as a porogenic solvent. After extraction of template, affinity of the polymer imprinted with Propranolol hydrochloride was examined in re binding experiment. At the first time, an efficient partition coefficient (K c) was adopted to evaluate re binding property of the imprinted polymer. From the Scatchard analy sis, bin


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