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每次听这个歌我都热血沸腾的想要投笔从戎,但是看见别人身上那些价值数万美元的装备,想想咱们亲爱的子弟兵经常被抢枪,我贪生怕死的念头让我又有了理智,听听这个歌,然后分析一下发音的方式,技巧,当做娱乐,我自己整理,水平有限,不要喷我就行。 以下是歌词 Ive got the reach and teeth of a killing maching 我是武装到了牙齿的杀人机器 with a need to bleed you when light goes green 绿灯亮起要你血溅当场 best believe im in the zone to be 相信我? 我掌控全局 from my yin to my yang to my yangtze 不管是人间还是地狱或是长江流域(美国人研究中国文化还挺透彻么,不过长江流域轮得到他们么···) put a grin on my chin when you come to me 你走向我的时候我咧着嘴大笑 cuz Ill win Im a one of a kind and I ll bring death 因为我将胜利 因为我是独一无二的 我将带来死亡 to the place you are about to be 你正打算去的那个地方 another river of blood ruin under my feet 将是另外一条被我踩在脚下的血河 forged in a fire lit long ago 在烈火中锻造了许久 stand next to me youll never stand alone 与我并肩战斗你将永不孤单 Im the last to leave but the first to go 我将冲锋在前最后撤退 LORD make me dead before you make me old 主啊 在你让我老去之前就让我战死沙场吧 I feed on the fear of devil inside of enemy faces in my sights 我吞噬着恐惧当敌人恶魔般的脸孔出现在我的视线之内 aim with hands shoot with mind kill with a heart like arctic ice 用手瞄准,用心射击,用极地的冰一样冷酷的心杀戮 Im a soldier and Im marching on 我是一个士兵? 士兵在前进 Im a warrior and this is my song 我是一个勇士?? 勇士在高歌 I bask in the glow of the rising war 不断升温的战争让我热血沸腾 lay waste to the ground of the enemy shore 让敌人的海岸线变成一片废墟 wade through the blood spilled on the floor 在血海中跋涉前行 and if another one stands Ill kill some more 还有一个能站起来的我都要赶尽杀绝 bullet in the?breach and fire in me 子弹飞溅 让我热血沸腾 like cigarette thrown to gasoline 就像把香烟扔向汽油桶 if death dont bring you fear I swear youll fear these marching feet 如果死亡不能让你恐惧? 我发誓你会臣服在我们的脚下 come to nightmare come to me? 靠近我就是靠近噩梦 deep down in the dark where the devil be 坠入黑暗的深渊正是魔鬼的所在 in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth 横刀立马铁骨铮铮 where the brimstone burns and angel weeps 硝烟四起天使哭泣 call to the gods if I cross your path 呼唤神明吧 如果我让你恐惧 and my silhouette hangs like a body bag 我的黑暗的侧影就是你的运尸袋 hope is a monment now long past 希望瞬间就破灭 the shadow of death is one I cast 我为你投下死亡的阴影 Im a soldier and Im marching on Im a warrior and this is my song my eyes are steel and?my gaze is long 目光坚毅凝视远方



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