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名词 【高频考点】常见不可数名词 Bread, fun, information, knowledge,money,news, weather, wealth,work 如:_____ information you are giving to us! A.What useful A.What an useful A.What a useful D.How useful 【必背知识点】兼可数和不可数的名词 orange 桔子/橘子汁 fish 动物 鱼/鱼肉(食物) chicken 动物 鸡 /鸡肉(食物) exercise练习/锻炼 glass 玻璃杯,眼镜/玻璃(材料) paper 文件,试卷/ 纸张(材料) life 生命/生活 room 房间/空隙(=space) (左为可数释义,右为不可数释义) 【必背知识点】 名词前的修饰词: ①放在可数名词复数前的有:many(许多) , few(很少) , a few(一些), a (small/ large) number of (许多),several(几个),a couple of(几个) ②放在不可数名词复数前的有: much(许多) , little (很少), a little(一些), a great deal of, a small/ large amount of; ③(可数、不可数前)都可放的词有:a lot of ,lots of(许多), some (一些) any , plenty of 区分:a lot 相当于 very 表示“很,非常”,后面不能加名词;a lot of表示“很多”,后面加名词。 A number of表示“一些”,the number of 表示“…的数量”,前者谓语用复数,后者谓语用单数。 名词所有格 s 表示“某人家”、“店铺”,省略后面的名词 eg : at Mr. Green’s, to my uncle’s , at the doctor’s, at the tailor’s 冠词 【常考易错点】(必须记牢) A useful/ university/ European/one-eyed/+名词; a uniform/ unit/ used car an hour unusual(否定前缀) an + honest/ 8-year-old+名词 【难点】 冠词a/an在序数词前,表“又一”=another He didn’t give up and took a seventh try. 【必背知识点】 the在序数词和形容词最高级前。 如:The third one is carrying the fewest of all. 在姓氏复数形式之前,表示“某某一家”或“某某夫妇”。 如:the Greens, the Blacks, etc. 官职、头衔的名词前,第几大街和公园前不加冠词。 如: Xi Jinping has recently been elected__/__ president of our country. 有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同。 如:1)at table在吃饭; at the table在桌子旁 2)in class在上课; in the class在班级中 3)in hospital 在住院 in the hospital 在医院里 4)go to bed上床睡觉; go to the bed到床上去 代词 【难点】Other、another、the other、others、the others辨析 +the 为有范围 如:There are 30 people in the room, 19 of them are men, the others are women. +s 后面不可加名词 如:the other students=the others The other后可加名词也可不加。表示两者之一的另一个,不加名词。表示“剩余的”后加名词。 如:One of the twins is reading, the other is watching TV. 19 of the students in the classroom are studying, the other students are playing. 4. 释义区别 Another 又一,另一 other/others 其他的the others其他的,剩余的the other另一个;其他的,剩余的 不定代词 either、neither、both、all、none 注意范围区分:两个以内:eith


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