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2011 7 31 7 ChineseA cup uncture Mo ibustion, Jul. 2011, Vol31 No7 635 : 0255- 2930( 2011) 07-0635- 03 针家精要 : R 249 : A 1 1 2 1, 3 陈 波 赵 雪 王 丽 陈泽林 ( 1. , 300193; 2. ; 3. ) [ ] 介绍李志道教授的针灸临床经验李志道教授认为穴与 术是临证疗效的 键, 准 确取穴是针灸施术的前提, 倡导定穴时主要在骨筋肉的间或边上循按劲推重抠; 把握针 刺的方向角度和深度是安全与疗效的保障; 针感强弱与传导的控制是针刺产生疗效的 键 [ ] 取穴; 针刺行气; 名医经验 Professor LI Zhi-da os clinical experiences in acupuncture 1 1 2 1, 3 CH EN Bo , ZH A O X ue , WA N G L i , CH EN Ze-lin ( 1. Colleg e of A cupunctu e and M o xibustio n, T ianjin U univ e sity of T CM , T ianjin 300 193, China; 2. Binhu T CM H ospital of T ianj in City; 3. Pilot U nit of Resea ch Cente of Acupunctu e Standa dizatio n, State Administ ation of T CM) ABSTRACT T he o ut standing ex pe iences of P ofesso L I Zhi-d ao in acupunctu e clinic p actices a e stated in this pape . He believ es acupoint and manipulation a e the key fact o s which dete mine the clinical efficacy. H e ex plains t hat the accu ate acupoint locatio n is the basis of acupunctu e manipulation. He cla ifies that acupo int locatio n is located by tactile pe ceptio n w ith hands. Yo u sho uld to uch a w ide a ea a o und the acupoint; the accu ate acupo int locatio n is mainly a ound o amo ng the edges of bo nes, tendons and muscles; you should co ntinually p ess, push and touch. T he di ection, ang le and depth of needle inse tion a e the gua antee of the safety and efficacy of acupunctu e clinic p actices. Fu the mo e, the needling sensation and its t ansmission a e c ucial to the clinical efficacy. KEY WORDS P oint L ocating ; A cupunctu e Sensat ion; F amous D octo s Ex pe ience , , 11 , , 50 , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 , , , ,


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