America - Past_and_Present ,_9e_test bank美国——过去和现在 第九版 试题库 含答案.pdf

America - Past_and_Present ,_9e_test bank美国——过去和现在 第九版 试题库 含答案.pdf

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TEST BANK AMERICA : PAST AND PRESENT NINTH EDITION Robert A. Divine University of Texas T.H. Breen Northwestern University George M. Frederickson Late of Stanford University R. Hal Williams Southern Methodist University Ariela J. Gross University of Southern California H.W. Brands University of Texas Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Contents Chapter 1 New World Encounters 1 Chapter 2 New World Experiments: England's Seventeenth-Century Colonies 15 Chapter 3 Putting Down Roots: Opportunity and Oppression in Colonial Society 28 Chapter 4 Experience of Empire : Eighteenth-Century America 43 Chapter 5 The American Revolution: From Elite Protest to Popular Revolt, 1763-1783 56 Chapter 6 The Republican Experiment 70 Chapter 7 Democracy in Distress: The Violence of Party Politics, 1788-1800 84 Chapter 8 Republican Ascendancy: The Jeffersonian Vision 98


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